Soufflé or salmon soufflé with 5 peppers
Bread, dough and batter Fish and seafood recipes Recipes

Soufflé or salmon soufflé with 5 peppers

Soufflé or salmon soufflé with 5 peppers


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 2.5 € / person

I think that everything in the kitchen is a matter of trying, experimenting and daring no matter how difficult, a priori, a recipe may seem. The souffle or souffle was always one of those recipes that I thought I would never prepare because it had to be something very complicated to elaborate and with a sure result that was doubtful starting from my hands. A  5 pepper salmon soufflé,  which is a variation of the famous and well-known  cheese soufflé .

The recipe is not complicated at all, I would even say that it is sucked. It is about making a béchamel enriched with egg and complementing it with the flavors that we like the most, from the simplest cheese soufflé, to ham or salmon to sweet options such as chocolate or lemon soufflé . Perhaps the crux of the matter is to get our soufflé to stay bloated as long as possible, but starting from the base that it is a dish to take at the moment, without waiting for any kind, it does not matter that once the soufflé reaches the table and placed in front of each diner, ends up deflating in front of their eyes. I understand that it is part of the process and still maintains its best qualities, flavor and texture intact. The result of category, worthy of the most demanding table, delicious.

Preparation of the salmon soufflé

  1. In a frying pan we cook the salmon on the grill. For this we add 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the pan and when it is hot add the slice of salmon. Cook over medium low heat for 5 or 6 minutes, turn the piece and continue over medium heat for another 5 minutes. It is important that the salmon does not stay dry on the inside so that the iron times can be reduced if the piece of fish is thin.
  2. We remove the salmon from the pan and clean it of skin and bones. Crumble the fish and reserve.
  3. In a frying pan, heat the butter and, once hot, add the onion cut into small pieces. Sauté over medium low heat until the onion is soft.
  4. When the onion is almost transparent, add the flour and without stopping stirring, cook for 2 minutes. While we cook the onion we bring the milk to a boil with the sauce. At the moment we see that the onion is ready we remove the pan from the heat and add the boiling milk and the sauce of five peppers. We return to the fire and cook without stopping stirring for 1 or 2 minutes. We remove from the fire.
  5. We separate the whites from the yolks reserving the whites in a bowl and add the yolks one by one, incorporating them into the mixture each time. Add the oregano and the minced salmon to the mixture, add well and reserve.
  6. We mount the egg whites until stiff and we integrate them into the dough. First we add half of the whites, incorporate, and then the rest. We mix to integrate all the ingredients with enveloping movements so as not to lower the mixture.
  7. Spread the mold that we have chosen with butter and sprinkle with the grated cheese. In my case I have used individual molds but it would be perfect in a single mold for all diners.
  8. We pour the mixture and with the oven previously heated to 170º C we cook the soufflé for 25 minutes. If we use a single mold we will put the oven at 190ºC for 30 minutes.

We can accompany this salmon soufflé with a varied salad, or even take it with just a splash of sauce with the five peppers. In all cases, the result is a first class dish.

Be sure to enjoy all the recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog, I assure you that you will find a lot of ideas to make yours much happier.

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