- Easy
- 30 minutes
- For 4 people
- € 4 / person
- 265kcal per 100g.
How to make a salad shrimp .
We all know the famous Russian salad (also called Olivier salad in honor of the cook who popularized this dish in Moscow).
A dish that has become a true classic of home cooking and also in those restaurants of a lifetime.
Actually this type of salad admits many variations because we can add countless different ingredients both cooked and raw or in the form of pickles.
Although it can also be made with pasta , today we are going to prepare a quick and super simple version that nevertheless has a lot of flavor thanks especially to the prawns and an ingredient that will give it a creamy touch, mayonnaise . A touch of flavor that combines perfectly with seafood.
So that the recipe is totally delicious, we have prepared this salad with quality ingredients, they will make a difference. You will tell me if you prepare it at home, a really delicious salad.
Preparation of the shrimp salad ingredients
- We wash the potatoes and carrot with plenty of water and put them to cook in a sufficiently large casserole, without peeling. We add a handful of salt.
- Since they have different cooking times we are checking the point of the carrot so that it does not pass us.
- Remove from the heat, drain and let them cool.
- Meanwhile, if the prawns are not cooked we put another casserole with water on the fire.
- When it boils we add a pinch of salt and the prawns that we let cook for a couple of minutes, if the time is longer it will be very difficult to peel them.
- Drain the prawns, remove the head and peel them carefully so as not to undo them.
- We cut the prawns into pieces of 1 or 2 centimeters.
- When they have tempered, we remove the skin to the carrot and the potatoes. We chop everything into small pieces.

Mix and final presentation of the prawn salad
- In a bowl we toss the chopped potato, the prawns, a large part of the carrot and almost all the peas (the rest will serve to decorate the salad).
- We also add half of the mayonnaise and stir everything carefully using a wooden spoon. We correct salt if necessary.
- We pass the mixture to a source, we cover it with the rest of the mayonnaise using a spoon or a spatula.
- Decorate with the carrot and peas that we have reserved.
- If you want to give it a green and aromatic touch, we chop a little bit of chives on top of your salad.
Be sure to enjoy the fantastic salads that we have on the blog.
You can see all the step by step photos of the shrimp salad recipe in this album.
Tips for a Pork Shrimp Salad
- Before enjoying this classic starter, it should be chilled for at least an hour in the fridge. Covered with a transparent film to prevent it from drying out.
- Let us not forget to serve it accompanied by a bowl with more mayonnaise in case someone wants to give it an even tastier touch.
- By the way, these can be bought already cooked or fresh. If we opt for the latter, the intensity of the dish will improve significantly. In addition there is no excuse for not cooking them at home, it is a really fast process that we will also detail.
- As for potatoes without a particularly important ingredient in the recipe. Not only because they are the base, but also because their quality and cooking time have a definitive influence on the result.
- If you like to find the potato pieces when eating the salad, you should watch their cooking very well so that it does not pass, for that you can prick them regularly with a fork and remove them from the fire as soon as they are sufficiently cooked.