Gypsy arm with chestnut cream
Desserts and sweets Recipes Recipes for special occasions

Gypsy arm with chestnut cream

Gypsy arm with chestnut cream


  • Half
  • 60 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 1.2 € / person
  • 345kcal per 100g.

Gypsy arm with chestnut cream . One of the most traditional dessert recipes , one of a lifetime, is the gypsy arm. And in this recipe I have given it a different touch, with a chestnut cream for the filling.

The Genoese cake and the preparation is the same, changing only the sweet filling. A dessert that you can prepare throughout the year, since you will find chestnut cream already prepared, of very good quality and that I recommend in the recipe in any supermarket or large area.

In my Ourense land and also in the rest of Galicia, the chestnut is one of the star protagonists of autumn. Their most popular festival, the Magostos , exalts this autumn product, the chestnut. There are already many companies dedicated to making products derived from chestnuts, such as chestnut cream that you can use in many desserts.

As for the cake, I remember that in my house they had a kind of “tin” or metal mold, already special to prepare it. In my case, I have done it in the oven tray, which is equally valid. Then we cut it and it will be perfect.

Once the gypsy arm is finished , the decoration also has its important point. To win over the diners at the table, I opted for a little sprinkled cocoa powder and some cinnamon sticks.

Preparation of the gypsy arm stuffed with chestnut cream

  1. We assemble the cream with the mixer, and add to the chestnut cream. With a spatula we mix with enveloping movements, so that it is very creamy. We reserve in the fridge, so it will get texture and consistency.
  2. We separate the yolks from the whites. We mount the egg whites until stiff, with a pinch of salt. When they are ready, we are adding the yolks, while we mix well.
  3. Then the sugar, which we add little by little, and continue mixing without stopping. Finally, add the flour and stir again to obtain a smooth and smooth cream.
  4. We preheat the oven, 5 minutes at 180º C. Place paper on the oven tray, and pour the cream on it. We bake about 10/12 minutes, in the up-down heat or “total heat” function. Be careful not to toast too much.
  5. We remove and let it warm, covered with a clean cloth. We turn the tray over and unmold. We trim the corners, and leave a rectangle. With the help of the rag, we are rolling the cake (widthwise), so that it takes the shape.
  6. With the help of the rag, we roll up the cake, so that it takes the shape. So leave covered and rolled, until cool. We unroll, spread the cream of chestnuts and cream, and carefully re-roll. Until we get a perfect roll.
  7. We put the rolled cake in the fridge to cool, and the cream compacts even more. At least it should be about 2 hours, although I recommend you do it “eve” the day before.
  8. The best option is to decorate it for a while before serving it on the table. We sprinkle cocoa powder on the gypsy arm, with the help of a strainer. On top, I have put some broken sticks of cinnamon stick.

Its decoration is open to many options, you can accompany it with “brown-glacé” chestnuts, chocolate chips, red berries, etc. What you like the most at home. Cheer up with this dessert, I assure you that you will succeed at the table with this dessert.

Here you have a step by step in photos where I show how to prepare this recipe for gypsy arm with chestnut cream.  Do not miss any detail so that it comes out perfect.

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