Chestnut Flan
Desserts and sweets

Chestnut Flan

Chestnut Flan


  • Half
  • 75 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.6 € / person
  • 337kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a chestnut flan . We are fully in the fall and with it come sweet recipes with  chestnuts.  A seasonal fruit with which I have a very close relationship, mainly because it is from Ourense.

In Galicia in general the chestnut is one of the queens of autumn along with mushrooms . As I have already mentioned on other occasions, autumn is my favorite season, full of hearty dishes, to combat the first cold and rainy days, before winter.

In Ourense there is a very marked date, the San Martiño (patron saint of the city).  Where people gather with family and friends to celebrate the “ magostos ” .

Mainly in the bush, this gastronomic festival is celebrated, and around a bonfire you can taste the freshly made churrasco, roasted chorizos and of course the roasted chestnuts . Food and drink is never lacking, and then on the after-dinner table it is typical to paint your face with the black stains of the bonfire.

The introduction of chestnut cultivation in Galicia (and also Spain) is related to the Roman occupation. His troops fed on the so-called ” breadfruit “, the name they gave to chestnut trees.

In Nogueira de Ramuín (Ourense), from where my paternal family is original, there are numerous “soutos” (farms with chestnut trees) full of chestnuts. With a basket of them that I have brought from Galicia, I am going to enjoy what is beautiful in the kitchen, preparing recipes like the one that I bring you today, a flan of chestnuts .

Its preparation is similar to traditional egg custard , but with the rich flavor of chestnuts.

How to make the candy?

  1. This is an important step, in which we must pay attention so that it does not burn us. With these steps that I detail you will have no problems doing it.
  2. First we put a saucepan on the fire, over medium heat. When it gets a little hot, add the sugar and then the water. We leave without stirring, until you appreciate that the sugar begins to take color. At this point we mix well with a wooden spoon.
  3. We remove the saucepan from the heat since with the residual heat it will be enough to create the caramel. We continue stirring and you will see how the caramel is formed, with its characteristic honey color. Now we add a few drops of lemon juice, which will give it shine and stability.
  4. As soon as it is tempered, caramelize the flan or flan (if you do it in individual portions), starting at the bottom and then applying it to the walls of the mold.

Cooking chestnuts. Cream

  1. For this flan we need the chestnuts to be cooked, so we go first of all with this step.
  2. We select the chestnuts, discarding those that are damaged. We make a cut in the base, as if we were going to roast them.
  3. In a pot with boiling water, blanch them for 5 minutes. We remove and let it temper.
  4. As soon as we can reach out without burning, we peel them with the help of a small knife. When hot, the crust and inner skin will come out relatively easily.
  5. Once peeled, add 100 gr. of sugar to the milk and we cook them for 20 minutes, over medium-low heat. Watch from time to time so that too much cream does not form on the surface of the milk. If so, remove it and go.
  6. With the chestnuts well cooked and soft, remove from the heat. We crush them with the mixer, until obtaining a homogeneous mixture. We must have a liquid cream, with a light brown color, due to the crushed chestnuts. We let temper.

Preparation of chestnut flan. Final presentation

  1. We are going to make the flan in a double boiler, so we fill the central tray of the oven with water and preheat to 200º C, until the water begins to boil.
  2. In a bowl we beat the eggs, add the sugar and mix with some rods.
  3. Pour the (liquid) chestnut cream and mix again. If you see that you have lumps or pieces of chestnut, give it a touch of a mixer again.
  4. We put the mixture in the mold or caramelized molds. We cover them with aluminum foil and put them in the oven, in the tray with water.
  5. Bake 45-50 minutes at 180º C, until the flan is curdled and ready. Temperature up and down.
  6. Prick it with a knife and if it comes out clean, it will be ready.
  7. If your oven has not rushed enough, leave them another 5 minutes and go checking again.
  8. When serving, carefully remove from the mold on a plate, leaving the flan covered by the caramel.

To accompany the flan, it is great with a little whipped cream or some “ Marron-Glacé ” chestnuts (glazed in sugar).

If you do not want to miss a detail on how to prepare this chestnut flan recipe , click on the photos in the step by step.

Tips for a yummy chestnut flan

  • If you don’t have time to cook the chestnuts, you can substitute the same amount for chestnut cream . That is to say, use a homemade or well-bought cream (that is of quality) and you will have your dessert in a plis plas.
  • One recommendation I make is that you remove the aluminum foil for the last 10 minutes, so that the bottom of the flan is made. Do not worry about the color and / or texture, because after unmolding that part will not be seen.
  • Remove from the oven and let cool at room temperature. Then to the fridge to continue cooling. It will be much richer if you prepare it the day before or with enough hours in advance.
  • With the arrival of potatoes and corn, the chestnut fell out of favor and practically served as food for the animals. Luckily, in recent years it has once again gained the notoriety it deserves and is an important ingredient in many gourmet recipes.
  • On the blog we have for several cakes with chestnuts: chestnut cake “magostos” , chestnut cake with chocolate chestnut and almond   cake “Lucrecia” and this cream of nougat and chestnuts that I recommend without a doubt.

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