- 500 g of corn tortillas
- 500 g of zucchini, grated
- ½ onion filleted
- 1 ½ cup of roasted peanuts
- 3 hydrated guajillos
- ¼ onion
- ¼ cup toasted sesame seeds
- 200 g of butter in small cubes
- 1 cup of cream
- 2 tbsp. by amistadcini
- ½ cup red lentil sprouts
- Enough oil for frying
- Cook the zucchini in a skillet over medium heat with butter and sliced onion, salt and pepper. Place the stewed pumpkin in tortillas, form the tacos, fry them in a pan over high heat and remove the excess oil.
- Blend onion, cream, a cup of peanuts, sesame and guajillo. Pour the mixture into a saucepan over medium heat and remove to the first boil.
- Serve the tacos, bathe them with the encacahuatado and finish with the pepperoni, peanut and lentil sprouts.
There are very delicious Mexican vegetarian recipes that you cannot miss. Today we share these flutes with peanut sauce stuffed with zucchini . Don’t wait any longer to prepare them!
The vegetarian diet may seem limited to you, but the truth is that the variety of vegetarian recipes that can be made with the allowed foods is immense, in addition to the fact that meat and milk can be replaced in some traditional dishes and drinks, such as hamburgers. and coffee, for other elements derived from soybeans and tofu. Many soups and stews can also be turned into vegetarian dishes with a few simple changes.
If you want to start such a diet, Lent is the perfect time; Take advantage of the fact that you cannot consume meat and follow these tips to enter the vegetarianism of your choice with the right foot.
- Before removing meat from the menu, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables to get used to your body; The larger the range of colors you consume, the more vitamins and minerals you will contribute to your body. Eat whole grains for breakfast and root vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cassava, for extra energy.
- Get the protein you need from legumes, such as beans, lima beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
- If you want to be a strict vegetarian, reduce the amount of dairy and egg more and more so that the body does not suffer when you take them off completely.
- It is recommended that the transition be with weekly advances; start by eliminating dairy the first week; the next, also remove the red meat, then the chicken, continue with the fish and finally the egg; assess how you feel and if you are willing to continue.
- Another option to start is with a vegetable day the first week, in which you will only eat vegetables and fruits, and the rest of the week you can eat normally. In the following week, it will be two days; three in the third and so on, until all seven are completed. To leave these foods in a healthy way without affecting your health, you need to complete the nutrients that your regular diet gave you; for example: you cannot substitute everything with egg because your cholesterol would increase; you have to have a good nutritional plan created by an expert for you, according to your weight, activities and tastes.
- A good diet must include all these nutrients to maintain health: carbohydrates, disaccharides, polysaccharides, vitamins A, C, D, E and K, fats, proteins, folic acid, pantothenic acid, minerals, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, sodium, chlorine, and potassium. All together they maintain the balance of the organism.