The best cheese cake in Spain
Desserts and sweets

The best cheese cake in Spain

The best cheese cake in Spain


  • Easy
  • 50 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 2.2 € / person
  • 315kcal per 100g.

How to make the best cheese cake in Spain.

Making this statement is a forceful statement, and it’s not that we have tried all the cheesecakes.

Although in this case we are speaking properly, as it is the winning cake in the contest held at the 1st International Cheese Forum, held in Gran Canaria on April 1 and 2, 2019.

Of the finalist cakes, the one chosen as the winner was that of Fernando Alcalá, Chef of the Kava Marbella restaurant .

A magnificent chef, who is already known in Madrid Fusion 2019, by taking the award for Best Revelation Cook. The jury was made up of renowned professionals such as Paco Torreblanca, Susi Díaz or José Carlos Capel.

We have tried many cheesecakes and we have also cooked them for the blog, and I have to admit that this recipe is undoubtedly in my top 3. Creamy, smooth, not at all gooey and with a special touch that gives it the point of setting.

In short, I recommend this dessert that you should not stop preparing at home and have the opportunity to surprise your diners.

As I was saying, on the blog we have many recipes for cheesecakes , with different styles and ingredients. One of my favorites is the La Viña Cheesecake , a place in the old part of San Sebastián, and well known nationally.

Other well-known options are the traditional American CheeseCake , the cheese and quince cake , and for the least seasoned in the kitchen, what I call “ the easiest cheesecake in the world ”. 

I hope you dare to prepare this cheese cake , which has conquered me and of course I will repeat more times at home.

Preparation of the best cheesecake in Spain.

  1. We crush the cookies very fine, in a turmix or kitchen robot.   
  2. Melt the butter and add to the crushed cookie. With our hands, we mix until we get a malleable dough.
  3. We cover the base of the mold, spreading the cookie dough with the help of our hands.
  4. We reserve in the fridge (or in the freezer if you have enough space), so that the base of the cake compacts. 
  5. We preheat the oven, 180ºC with the up / down function.
  6. In a large bowl, we are adding the rest of the ingredients: the cream, the cream cheese, the sugar, the beaten eggs and finally a pinch of large salt.
  7. Mix first with a fork or spatula, and then beat well, so that there are no lumps.  
  8. We pour the cream on the biscuit base. Bake 30 minutes at 180º C, heat up / down.
  9. Take a look every now and then, because every oven is a world, and we don’t want the top of the cake to be over-toasted.
  10. Remove from the oven, and let stand at least 5 hours. At room temperature.

And we would already have the “best cheese cake in Spain” ready. Very creamy, with a smooth, delicious flavor and that “little curdled” touch that makes it different from the rest.

Here you can see all the photos of the step by step of the recipe for the best cheese cake in Spain . Do not miss any detail and it will be perfect, perfect to succeed in any celebration.

Tips for the best cheesecake in Spain.

  • The winning chef’s original recipe uses organic ingredients, which are more difficult to find.
  • It is advisable to try to get them, because therein lies one of the keys that this cake is so rich.
  • Like organic cane sugar, which is not the same as brown cane sugar. If we use the latter, the cake will have a darker color, and it will not be the same.
  • Creamy goat cheese is an important part of achieving such a special flavor.
  • The chef used a very particular one: the “Flor de Guía”, made in the municipalities of Santa María de Guía, Gáldar and Moya, on the island of Gran Canaria. In this case, it has been impossible to get it and I have replaced it with a similar one, but of good quality.
  • When baking, be very attentive to the evolution of the cake. You should not rush too much but also not slow down the process.
  • If you see the top toast faster, cover it with aluminum foil. If the cake is too small, give it a touch of grill so that it takes on a light tan color.

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