Stewed cod with artichokes
Fish and seafood recipes

Stewed cod with artichokes

Stewed cod with artichokes


  • Easy
  • 70 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 4 / person
  • 280kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a cod stew with artichokes . Sometimes, looking for fish and seafood recipes  to prepare during the week, I give too much thought to the subject, many times the simple triumphs, without many frills.

A trick that never fails me is as simple and practical as gathering ingredients that I like, and then they fit together. Well said and done, in this recipe cod and artichokes have to get along wonderfully.

On the blog you will find a lot of recipes with both cod and artichokes, two products that give a lot of play in the kitchen and now we are going to combine them in a rich stew, accompanied by some mushrooms. As for the cod, do not skimp on the quality, it is something important so that later the dish is tastier.

Buy a good salted cod loin, from Iceland, Norway or Newfoundland, which are of assured quality. If you want to save time, you can also get already desalted cod loins. They are a little more expensive but there are also very good quality ones.

You can find a lot of ideas to incorporate cod into your daily menu, in omelette , pil pil, like fritters , in salads , meatballs , boiled, Portuguese-style , fried, the famous golden cod , grilled, in stews , salted, and of course, in the company of all kinds of sauces.

The artichokes go from pearls to this stew with cod. They have very few calories and are very healthy. Its cleaning may seem like a pain in the ass, but with a simple step by step you will not die trying.

Among the main ingredients are also mushrooms. If you make the recipe in season, take advantage of the fact that they are in their splendor and use the ones that most appeal to you. They can be boletus, chanterelles, senderuelas, chanterelles, etc. If there are not in the markets, because it is not a month of mushrooms, you also have the dehydrated ones, those that you have frozen or the cultivated mushrooms that you find throughout the year in the supermarket.

Before you start reading the preparation, I anticipate that this stew is delicious. The first time it already conquered us at home, and a week later I returned to cook it at my parents’ house. They are also very fond of cod, and this dish pleasantly surprised them.

How to desalinate cod

  1. The traditional option is to buy salted cod and desalinate it. If you want to skip this step, you will find loins already desalted, of good quality.
  2. If the salty piece is large, better cut it into pieces. We will desalinate them in plenty of water. The thickest pieces will need 48 hours, changing the water every 6 hours. The finest ones will take at least 36 hours, with changes every 8 hours.
  3. The best thing is that we do this process in the fridge, so that it is always at a constant temperature. Especially if you are going to cook it in summer. Keep it well covered, so that it does not smell the rest of the food.

Preparation of stewed cod with artichokes and mushrooms

  1. We introduce the raisins in the wine, to hydrate them. We will use a fragrant wine, type Jerez, that gives us aroma and flavor.
  2. The cod loins already desalted, we cut into pieces of ration (about 250 gr.). We pass them by flour and fry them in abundant extra virgin olive oil. On all sides, until they have a golden hue. We remove and reserve on absorbent paper.
  3. In a flat saucepan, pour the oil to fry the cod, already strained and decanted.
  4. Chop the garlic, onion and leek in brunoise. Fry over medium heat, 5 minutes. We salt to taste.
  5. We pour the wine (without the raisins). We raise the fire and cook a couple of minutes, so that the alcohol evaporates. Next, we add the fried tomato and mix. Poach 5 minutes over medium heat.
  6. We chop the mushrooms. Add to the casserole, a liter of broth (hot), mushrooms, raisins and artichokes.
  7. Cover the casserole, lower the heat, and cook 40 minutes.
  8. We salt to taste. It will gradually thicken the sauce, and reduce the broth.
  9. After time, we peel the eggs and cut them into thick slices.
  10. We put the pieces of cod and the egg in the casserole, evenly distributed. We will add broth if necessary.
  11. With everything in the pot, cook 10 minutes more, over low heat. This way all the flavors will be integrated and this delicious stew will take the end point. As a final touch, we finely chop the parsley and spread over the surface.
  12. We serve hot on the table and enjoy.

The best accompaniment is a good wine and a bread as god demands, from those artisans, to dip well in the sauce.

Be sure to enjoy all the recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog.

You can see all the step by step photos of the recipe for stewed cod with artichokes  in this album. Do not miss any detail and it will turn out like my mother’s.

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