Salmon Burger or Laxwallenbergare. Swedish traditional recipe
Fish and seafood recipes

Salmon Burger or Laxwallenbergare. Swedish traditional recipe

Salmon Burger or Laxwallenbergare. Swedish traditional recipe


  • Half
  • 20 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.6 € / person

“He who does not bet does not win or lose” , with that premise I came to Madrid 9 years ago, the bet was for love and it could not go better for me, the girl I live with and share all these dishes you read on the blog , Jimena. Similarly Myriam ventured on a trip in 2007 to Sweden and is still there in Sundbyberg, so the story did not go too badly.

As she says, “for the things of wanting . Myriam requested the transfer of his company in Madrid to that of Stockholm, he appeared there on March 18, 2007 and the next day he was already making his Swedish life. This girl from Talavera de la Reina is happy with her boy Henke and her cat, the good guy from Pepe. They love to cook (the cat too, it will be like mine who comes to look at what I do in the kitchen), Myriam with her recipes from Spain and Enrik with those from Sweden, a great combination.

Scandinavian cuisine according to what my colleagues tell me (my company in Swedish) is characterized by being practical, the preparation of each dish can change depending on the area, but all are governed by the cornerstone: meat or fish (whether hunting or fishing) , potatoes and sauces. Beyond Ikea’s meatballs (Köttbullar), the famous meat balls, Scandinavians love a dish similar to burgers but not meat but salmon. This Swedish recipe belongs to the famous “lax” which is the Swedish name for salmon. In this dish we change the minced beef, the famous Wallenberg for minced salmon and turn it into an easy to cook festive meal, the Swedish Laxwallenbergare. I leave you with this super recipe and I encourage you as always to prepare it.

Preparation of the burgers

The salmon burgers I assure you that they are juicy, soft, just yummy. I have prepared them at home and it is a great way to eat fish and a new way to try salmon, in my case with Norwegian salmon.

  1. We tell our fishmonger to cut us some salmon slices. That they are about 2 cm wide so that when we cut it into dice we have generous pieces. If you go to a large area or supermarket they already sell trays with salmon slices, not everyone has time to stop at the fish shop.
  2. We wash the salmon and remove the skin. We dry with absorbent paper until we run out of water, otherwise it will release more water than normal and it will be very loose.
  3. Dice the salmon and chop it in the Moulinex. Add salt, freshly ground black pepper and ground cayenne. We mix everything very well and we give again to the mincer until it becomes a smooth dough. Add the egg yolks and add the cream little by little. We give it a touch of mincer and reserve.
  4. We divide a sheet of baking paper into four equal parts. Form a “laxburger” on each paper and take them to the fridge.
  5. Heat the butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. We put the fillets in the pan previously smeared with butter with a brush so that the baking paper is on top. We remove the paper and fry the fillets for about 3 minutes on each side. We reserve.

Preparation of mashed potatoes and plating

  1. I am going to explain to you how Swedes usually make mashed potatoes, it is a little more creamy than what we usually eat in these parts, I will assure you that you are passionate about butter.
  2. Peel the potatoes and wash in cold water. We reserve.
  3. We put the potatoes in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and season with a pinch of salt. We cover the saucepan with a lid, bring to a boil over high heat and then lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, or until tender.
  4. We drain the potatoes well, we pass them through a pasapures or a chino, if you do not have it you only have to mash them with a simple fork. We reserve them.
  5. Melt about 50 g of butter with the cream until it is like a smooth cream. We pour the butter cream in a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over high heat and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes until its volume is reduced.
  6. Pour the reduced cream into the mashed potatoes, along with 4 tablespoons of milk and the remaining butter. Beat until smooth, add a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg and salt. We keep the heat so the flavors come together and we already have our Scandinavian mashed potato.
  7. Optionally garnish with a little chopped dill and serve a tablespoon of freshly made mash with each salmon burger, a few hot peas, and a few pickled gherkin slices.

Of course it is a simple and quick dish to make, simply delicious. Do not stop trying it and you will tell me. Thank you very much Myriam!

Be sure to enjoy all the recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog, I assure you that you will find a lot of ideas to make yours much happier.

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