Mussels in white wine
Fish and seafood recipes

Mussels in white wine

Mussels in white wine


  • Easy
  • 30 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 3.8 € / person
  • 214kcal per 100g.

How to make some mussels in white wine . One of the most representative products of Galician cuisine is, without a doubt, mussels .

There are many recipes for mussels , a thousand and one ways to prepare them. From the simplest and most classic, the steamed mussels, to those that admit something more work like mussels a la marinera   or the delicious mussels in hot sauce . As you can see the options are many to enjoy this marvel of the sea of ​​which my land, Galicia, is the cradle. Today I bring you one more recipe for mussels. Some steamed mussels that we are going to enrich with a sauce, mussels in white wine .

Enjoy this seafood in all its variations. At Rechupete recipes we are always giving you ideas. As a cover that is always welcome, mussels in vinaigrette , pickled or gratin . We can also find them as part of other elaborations, such as in an empanada , in croquettes or with rice .

It is about preparing a very simple white wine sauce where we only need onion, garlic, parsley and wine. With these ingredients we will create in a perfect broth to cook the mussels that will be impregnated with their aroma and flavor as they are opening.

You will enjoy a serving of mussels in the purest Galician style with this recipe for mussels, with which we will not disguise the flavor and texture of good mussels from the estuary, we will only add a point of finesse that I am sure you will love.

Cleaning the mussels

  1. Mussels must be fresh. If we are not going to consume them on the same day we must leave them in a container with cold water as long as possible before their future cooking. Changing the water every six hours approximately.
  2. We wash and drain the mussels very well in cold water. We remove all the impurities that come in the bag and the remains that it has on the outside. If we have had it in the water it is not necessary because they will have released all of them.
  3. We remove, with the help of a knife, beards and shell remains that you have in your shell. When cooking the mussels in the sauce that we are going to consume, we must add them as clean as possible.

Preparation of mussels in white wine

  1. In a saucepan, heat a splash of olive oil. When it is hot, fry the onion and garlic, cut into very small cubes. We cook until the vegetables are very soft. Salt lightly.
  2. Add a good bunch of finely chopped parsley and integrate it with the vegetables. We will pour the white wine. As always in the kitchen, I advise you to use a good wine for cooking. It would be perfect if we used the one we have chosen to accompany this great dish.
  3. We let the alcohol evaporate for 5 minutes. Always before adding the mussels and the bay leaf.
  4. We cover the casserole and cook the mussels until we see that they have all opened.

We serve these wonderful mussels in white wine, accompanied by their sauce. It is an authentic seafood dish, easy and quick to prepare.

I encourage you to try doing it at home. You can see all the photos of the step by step of these mussels in white wine in this album.

It does not need more accompaniment than a glass of a good Galician white wine and a good piece of bread (of quality) to dip in the sauce.

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