Cuttlefish seafood casserole with clams and peas
Fish and seafood recipes

Cuttlefish seafood casserole with clams and peas

Cuttlefish seafood casserole with clams and peas


  • Easy
  • 30 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 3 / person

How to prepare a seafood stew of cuttlefish, clams and peas . On my blog you can find a lot of recipes for spoon, stews and stews . Those dishes that are cooked only with time and that we enjoy as children. I love those meals that deserve a good table, and a good after-dinner. Today’s recipe is included in this type of dish despite the fact that it is prepared in 30 minutes. The result is a cuttlefish stew with clams and peas that, in my opinion, deserves a prominent place in any recipe book.

It is a very simple and very fast cuttlefish recipe with clams in which the most difficult task will be cleaning the cuttlefish. Once we have it ready, in 30 minutes we will get a super tasty sea dish, perfect to show off at home. In this dish, the quality of the ingredients are key. A few good clams, some rich peas and a fresh cuttlefish are the only secret of this recipe. I encourage you to prepare it at home, I assure you that yours will be delighted.

Preparation of cuttlefish casserole with clams and peas.

  1. We start by cleaning the clams from sand and impurities. For this we put the clams in a bowl and cover them with salted water. We leave them to soak for 1 hour. We wash the clams and reserve them.
  2. We clean the cuttlefish by removing the viscera, and the head. We remove the dark outer skin that covers it and wash it well. We cut the tentacles into pieces and cuttlefish into strips. We reserve.
  3. Poach the diced onion and garlic in a saucepan with a drizzle of olive oil. We cook the vegetables for about 6 or 7 minutes, until they are transparent.
  4. We add the flour and cook it so that it loses its flavor. Add the wine and let the alcohol evaporate for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add the peas and the fish stock. We cook everything for 10 minutes and add the chopped parsley.
  6. While the vegetables are cooking, in a frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil, sauté the cuttlefish until it begins to brown. Add the cuttlefish to the stew when the 10 minutes of cooking have passed and add the clams. Cover the casserole and cook until the clams have opened, about 5 or 6 minutes. We check the point of the salt.

We serve this great dish of sea very warm, accompanied by some of the Galician white wines and a good piece of bread to take advantage of the sauce.

If you like clams as much as your girlfriend / or we can prepare a lot  of recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog, from

I assure you that you will find a lot of ideas to make yours much happier. From a traditional arroz a banda , an Italian black risotto with cuttlefish , another classic stew with cuttlefish to a simple grilled cuttlefish .

You can see all the step by step photos of this cuttlefish stew with clams in the next album.


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