Bread, dough and batter recipes

Corn dough for Galician empanada

Corn dough for Galician empanada


  • Half
  • 60 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.2 € / person
  • 310kcal per 100g.

How to make corn or millet dough for Galician empanada . The cornmeal is used mainly in the famous pies das Rias Baixas.

Octopus , cockle empanadas , the famous zamburiñas empanada , the simple sardine or xoubas empanada . Being also the base of the dough of the millo bread or broa bread .

When I was little my mother or my grandmother used to prepare me millet potatoes with buttermilk for dinner . I remember that I loved seeing my mother stirring the cornmeal in water, little by little, thickening to the exact point.

That intense yellow cornmeal that was brought directly from the mills that were still in town, fond memories. A few years ago, that flour was difficult to find outside of Galicia and those dinners of hot millet dough that cooled with cold milk gradually disappeared.

It is common to find this empanada dough all over the coast of Galicia, from Pontevedra to Coruña. It is usually associated with seafood and blue peixe fillings: octopus , cockles or croques, xoubas, sardines, eels … It is a little more coarse than that of wheat, although you can control the flour mixture so that it comes out to your liking.

Its elaboration is more complicated although it is worth it for its corn flavor that is only usually found in Galicia. I leave you with this empanada, a classic throughout Galicia.

Preparation of corn dough

  1. In a large bowl we introduce the 2 types of flour, mix well by hand. We leave about 4 tablespoons of wheat flour to later fatten the dough.
  2. In the center of the bowl, with a spoon, make a hole and pour the yeast dissolved in the octopus water.
  3. Beat with a wooden spoon from the center outwards and gradually mix with the flour.
  4. Add the oil from the sauce and the salt. It is important that salt and yeast do not come into direct contact. In this way that I explain you will not have a problem in the fermentation process.
  5. We continue removing what begins to be the dough. For now it will be a sticky but firm mix. This dough does not bind like wheat and does not stretch as well, so we must have a little patience and go little by little.
  6. We prepare the area where we are going to knead, for example the kitchen counter is perfect.
  7. Fill the area of ​​the counter with leftover wheat flour, remove the dough from the bowl and start working the dough with your hands.
  8. Little by little we can manipulate the dough. It is as if it were a rough and fibrous paste that melts in the hand, we are turning the dough into a ball. We take the previous bowl and flour it. We introduce the dumpling into it.
  9. We cover the bowl with a cotton cloth for about 45 minutes.
  10. There we have the dough to be able to start preparing the empanada that we like the most, for sure yummy.

If even so with the step by step and the video is not clear to you, I leave you a more comprehensive step by step in photos of this recipe for corn dough for empanadas   so that it comes out yes or yes. Do not hesitate, follow these photos.

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