Chicken Cordon Bleu
Meat and poultry recipes

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Chicken Cordon Bleu


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 2 / person
  • 302kcal per 100g.

How to make a chicken cordon bleu .

Once again we have to look back and look at the neighboring country, France, to know the origin and history of a dish, it is the cordon bleu .

Although today’s chicken recipe is an adaptation of the classic cordon bleu in which we substitute beef for chicken, the recipe is basically the same. I also recommend the Argentine version of chicken pamplonas , delicious without a doubt.

This Cordon Bleu is still the base of more recipes such as  flamenquins , simple booklets of loin , the proprieties, a good   Asturian  cachopo or the Italian saltimbocca .  

In the case of today’s recipe, thanks to the ham and cheese in its filling, chicken meat will be juicy and tender. We also use the oven with what we need much less oil, which will make it less caloric and heavy.

It is a juicy and tasty snack, a simple and rich recipe that I encourage you to prepare at home. I am totally sure that it will be a success for children and adults.

In addition we have published a special with tips to make the perfect stuffed meat , yummy. Do not miss it.

Preparation of the cordon bleu base chicken

  1. We open the chicken breast as a book, or we ask our butcher to prepare it for us. We place the chicken breast between two transparent papers and with a mallet we hit it to flatten it and smooth it.
  2. This step is important since we thus obtain a more homogeneous sheet of meat in thickness over its entire surface.
  3. We remove the transparent paper from the top of the chicken fillet and keep the bottom. This will help us later to make the roll.
  4.  Season the chicken and cover it with the cooked ham. We place the cheese on top and, with the help of transparent paper, make a roll with the meat.
  5. We remove the transparent paper and secure the meat so that it does not open, with some toothpicks.
  6. We coat the chicken roll by passing it first through beaten egg and then through breadcrumbs and reserve.

Baking and final presentation of the cordon bleu

  1. Heat a splash of olive oil in a frying pan and brown the chicken rolls on all sides.
  2. It is about getting an initial cooking of the blue cord, it is not necessary that they go too long since we will finish the process in the oven.
  3. We place the chicken rolls on a tray and, with the oven previously heated to 180º C, bake for about 20 minutes, until we see that they are golden brown.
  4. We can serve hot or cold chicken cordon bleu. If we let it cool they will be easier to cut into slices without breaking.
  5. In any case, they will be perfect accompanied by a vegetable cream or a simple salad.

I encourage you to visit more perfect chicken recipes  for your weekly menu, a tupper option for the yummy curro.

You can see all the step by step photos of the chicken cordon bleu recipe   in this album. Follow the photos or the video and it will be perfect for you.

Curiosities about the Cordon Bleu

  • Cordon bleu , literally translated from French, means blue ribbon . Around the 16th century, it received the name of cordon bleu, those people who were decorated with one of the greatest distinctions in the country, the Order of the Knight of the Holy Spirit.
  • The badge with which they were awarded was a small blue ribbon, hence the name. The fact is that this Order was known for the lavish banquets that they organized every time they met, becoming their meetings synonymous with good taste and good food.
  • It was given the name of cordon bleu, for its excellence, the dish devised at that time in which, instead of simply cooking the veal escalopes, they were stuffed with ham and cheese, battered and fried in the pan.
  • Today it is considered a simple dish that has practically disappeared from the cards. In my opinion, this recipe can be an enjoyment, using, of course, top quality products.

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