Showing 105 Result(s)
Galician tripe
Meat and poultry Recipes Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Galician tripe

Info. Half 180 minutes For 10 people 2.1 € / person 326kcal per 100g. How to prepare Galician tripe. If we start talking about salty recipes, well rather star stews in Galician cuisine, there is a dish that occupies an exceptional position within the recipes for stews with legumes , callos a la gallega . …

Picadillo soup
Meat and poultry Recipes Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Picadillo soup

Info. Easy 35 minutes For 4 people 2.5 € / person 190kcal per 100g. How to make chicken hash soup . The recipe for picadillo soup has its origin in Andalusian cuisine, especially in the provinces of Seville and Almería. The main ingredient is always minced poultry, which is often accompanied by boiled eggs and …