Baked tuna with walnut and tomato crust
Fish and seafood recipes

Baked tuna with walnut and tomato crust

Baked tuna with walnut and tomato crust


  • Easy
  • 30 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 3.5 € / person
  • 210kcal per 100g.

How to make baked bonito.

The recipe that I propose today is an authentic source of health, thanks to the Bonito del Norte (blue fish), natural tomato and walnuts.

An extremely healthy and nutritious cocktail, with ingredients recommended by cardiologists and especially indicated for people with cardiovascular problems.

One of the best contributions of the Mediterranean diet to our menus is undoubtedly Blue fish , and within this type we find tuna and bonito and its high content of the precious Omega-3 , very beneficial for our cardiovascular system.

A fish highly appreciated for its use and for its enormous possibilities.

A simple grilled slice is already a delight but we cannot forget the bonito with onions , the bonito with tomato is delicious or in that popular stew of Basque fishermen, the marmitako .

As you can see, I not only present you a tasty recipe, very easy to prepare and even well priced.

Also in this case we embroider it with a healthy and full of health plate. I hope you go into the kitchen and prepare it.

Preparation of bonito from the north

  1. Take advantage of the bonito when it is in season, in its fullness of flavor and with a cheaper price.
  2. In the fish shop we will buy some slices of bonito of “ration”, approximately 250 g. each.
  3. We tell your fishmonger to remove the outer skin. But at home we do it with the help of a very sharp knife.
  4. It is a fish with few bones and the ones it has are clearly visible, so we can taste it without any problem. We reserve the fish.

Preparation of tomato puree

  1. To prepare the tomato puree we will need to peel the tomatoes, to do it easily it is best to blanch them a little.
  2. We remove the leaves and stems, and wash them well with cold water. At the base or bottom we make a cross cut that will later help us to peel them more easily.
  3. We put a liter of water to boil in a pot and introduce the tomatoes for 5 minutes, remove them and dip them in a large bowl with cold water.
  4. In a few minutes we will see how the skin begins to come off through the cut area.
  5. Now we remove the tomato skin easily and remove the hardest white part from the top, where the stem was.
  6. Cut them into 1 cm cubes and pour them into a small saucepan, along with a good splash of extra virgin olive oil (10 ml) and a tablespoon of vinegar for dessert. We salt to taste.
  7. Over medium heat cook for about 20 minutes so that the tomato melts and thickens the puree.
  8. If we observe that we have too much “chubby” for our taste, we can give it a touch of a mixer and thus give it a finer texture.
  9. While the mash is being made, we take the opportunity to prepare the Bonito and the walnut crust.

Preparation of the walnut crust     

  1. We chop about 7 walnuts to obtain approximately 50 g. once peeled.
  2. We undo them well with our hands and incorporate them into a mortar (preferably ceramic).
  3. Top with a little rosemary, thyme and fresh parsley, all finely chopped.
  4. A couple of tablespoons of white wine and another two of extra virgin olive oil and mash everything well until obtaining a somewhat pasty mixture.

Baked the beautiful and finished plating

  1. We preheat the oven for 5 minutes at 180º C, with the option of fan or full heat.
  2. In a baking dish, pour a little olive oil, place the bonito slices on top and place the mixture or “crust” of walnuts on top of the fish.
  3. We place the source in the central tray and bake 10 minutes at 180º C.
  4. Each oven is a world, pay attention that the fish does not get too dry.
  5. On the plate, we place a base of tomato puree, and on it the fish with the walnut crust. Accompany with some peeled walnuts.

You can see all the photos of the step by step recipe for baked tuna in this album.

Tips for a Tuna Baked Tuna

  • To make the most of the properties of the White Tuna, we are going to prepare it in the oven. And we are going to accompany it with a little extra virgin olive oil and the scab of nuts and aromatic herbs.
  • The Bonito del Norte , also provides us with other nutritional values since it is rich in proteins and vitamins A, B, D, and K.
  • Walnuts  are an oleaginous nut, with a high content of polyunsaturated fat.
  • Fatty acids abound in its composition, such as “linoleic”, essential for the body, with the ability to reduce cholesterol levels; and the “linolenic” that belongs to the omega 3 series, just like those found in fish fat.

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