How to easily peel tomatoes
Cooking courses Salad and vegetable recipes

How to easily peel tomatoes

How to easily peel tomatoes


  • Very easy
  • 3 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 0.5 € / person
  • 80kcal per 100g.

We are in the middle of the tomato season and a lot of doubts come to my email, most of them asking me for a video on how to peel tomatoes (already published on Youtube).

E l tomato is a very popular food in southern Europe, it is used in many dishes and it is easy to combine with other foods.

If the tomato is of quality we find almost gourmet dishes, very simple.

At home there is nothing that we like as much as a simple tomato salad with fresh cheese, not to mention the countless sauces that we can make with it.

Although I always recommend that you eat fruits and vegetables with their skin as much as possible, there are dishes that appreciate its absence, such as the tomato , which in certain preparations, once peeled, is much easier to eat.

How to peel the tomatoes. Scalding

  1. We put a saucepan or casserole with water and raise the temperature to the maximum until it reaches a boil.
  2. We leave a tupper or large bowl with water in the fridge and if you have room in the freezer, we need the water to be very cold. Another option would be to put the water with ice cubes.
  3. The contrast between hot and cold water causes the tomato skin to separate from the meat.
  4. That is why it is very important that this contrast is very sharp and that is why we must make sure that the hot water is boiling and that the cold water is freezing.
  5. While the water is heating we place the tomatoes on a table and apply a cross cut on the base of the tomato.
  6. The cut should be as superficial as possible, if we cut only the skin better but if the tomato meat knife goes a little bit, nothing happens either.
  7. When the water is at full temperature and all the bubbles come out, add the tomatoes and leave them in the boiling water for 20-30 seconds.
  8. It is necessary to be very precise when controlling the time, since otherwise the superficial part of the tomato would be cooked.

Cool and remove the skin. Ready tomatoes

  1. We remove them with a slotted spoon into the bowl with cold water and leave them for a while until they lose temperature, with 2 minutes it will be more than enough.
  2. We remove the tomatoes from the cold water and separate where we see that the skin has opened.
  3. We just have to pull it out completely. This way you already have the tomatoes completely peeled.
  4. It would be necessary to remove the hard part from the medium and we would have them ready to cook.

If we are going to use them for a salad do not forget to do this process before, leave the tomatoes in the fridge so that they cool properly before eating them.

Recommendations for some yummy tomatoes

  • On many occasions you will have heard me with this last ingredient that it is not necessary to peel it, as in the case of gazpacho or salmorejo .
  • Normally I do not remove the skin because the glass mixer I use is quite powerful and there is no indication of the skin moleta, but if you use a normal mixer you should peel them.
  • In many of the blog’s recipes, I cook with the skinless tomato, such as in the arrabiatta sauce and in most tomato salads, especially out of season, since it has the hardest skin.
  • Other elaborations that often require peeling the tomatoes are the sauces that are not passed through the mash or the mixer, such as bolognese   or the classic tomato sauce and in the accompaniments of a ceviche , guacamole or pasta or rice salads . You have also seen it in some of the vinaigrette sauces in salads or to flavor a stew or soup.
  • Another example where we should peel the tomato is when we cut in concassé or concasser .
  • A way to cut the ingredient into small cubes with an approximate size of 0.5 centimeters on each side and without skin or nuggets, making it a larger size cut than the so-called brunoise .
  • This type of cut is usually used to prepare sauces, salads, omelets, pizzas or appetizers.

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