Strawberry clafoutis
Desserts and sweets

Strawberry clafoutis

Strawberry clafoutis


  • Very easy
  • 35 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 0.8 € / person
  • 290kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a strawberry clafoutis . With the approach of spring, the markets are tinged with joy with the new seasonal fruits, strawberries and strawberries already available.

Thinking about what to prepare with a  clafoutis . This baked French dessert consists of layers of fruit and a liquid dough much like that of crepes . The clafoutis that I present to you today is in mini format and in individual casserole. Unlike the typical French tart in a large pan with the fruit dipped in the dough.

The origin of this dessert, the  clafoutis (kla-foo-TEE) or clafouti , is said to be in the city of Limousin or Limousin, also famous for its cognac barrels. The origin is uncertain, but we know that its popularity increased and spread in the 19th century.

The traditional version of clafoutis has cherries, served hot and sprinkled with icing sugar. The purists affirm that the cherries should be pitted, arguing that the bones enhance the flavor of the dish, what do you want me to say … I like it without pit, I have prepared the two versions and there is not so much difference in taste.

This version that I present you does not have cherries, other fruits such as pears, apples, plums, blackberries, blueberries or strawberries are not going to be painted. There are different variations of this dessert across Europe.

The Dutch prepare a dessert similar to this one called Pannekoek, which includes pieces of bacon, cheese, raisins and apples. If the recipe calls for pears or apples, then it is called Flaugnarde, which is also known as flognarde or flagnarde.

Clafoutis also resembles “Forêt Noire” in many ways, the recipe’s ingredients are believed to be the cross between a pancake and the pastry cream. I assure you that the result is very good, a rustic, authentic and traditional dessert. Its appearance and texture is delicious, we recommend that you prepare this recipe.

Preparation of the cream for the clafoutis

  1. We preheat the oven to 180º C. Grease the baking pans that we are going to use.
  2. The best thing is to use butter and a teaspoon of flour that we will go from mold to mold so that it is fixed in the butter, thus we will avoid that the dessert sticks to the base.
  3. We mix all the ingredients (except the strawberries), we should not beat too much, just until the mixture has no lumps. It can even be removed only with the manual rods.

Baking and final presentation of strawberry clafoutis

  1. I have used my 10 cm diameter ceramic pots, but you can use individual aluminum molds. In that case, lower the cooking time by about five minutes.
  2. We pour the mixture of the dough in the casseroles. On top of these we will place the strawberries previously cut into quarters and press down, so that during cooking they are a little covered in dough.
  3. Do not worry that the strawberries will rise and remain as you can see in the photos. Before putting in the oven, sprinkle with a little icing sugar.
  4. Bake the clafoutis in the middle tray for 25 minutes, temperature up and down (with air).
  5. When there are 5 minutes left we are testing if they have curdled, we put a knife or a fork and if it comes out clean it will be ready. Remember that each oven is a world and it is better to test how the clafoutis go at the end of the process.
  6. Let cool (don’t get burned like me, anxious) and serve.
  7. To preserve them the best thing is the fridge, remember that it is a dessert that does not last long, preferably consume it in one day.

Be sure to enjoy the dessert recipes that we have on the blog. You can see all the step by step photos of the strawberry clafoutis recipe   in this album.

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