Seafood salad with lettuce sprouts, tomato and spun egg
Fish and seafood Recipes Recipes for special occasions Salad and vegetable

Seafood salad with lettuce sprouts, tomato and spun egg

Seafood salad with lettuce sprouts, tomato and spun egg


  • Easy
  • 25 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 2.7 € / person
  • · ·

The last month of the year arrived and with it the preparations for Christmas. Do you want to surprise your guests on these dates? I recommend a recipe that will not leave you indifferent:  Seafood salad with lettuce sprouts, tomato and spun egg . We will combine the flavor of seafood with all the properties of lettuce and present it as if it were the best restaurant in Spain.

This salad is a perfect first course to warm up in the face of everything that comes our way with Christmas Eve dinner. Even if you enrich it a little more you can turn it into a very varied unique dish. It is perfect to prepare it at home without complications the day before. You can have everything stored and assemble the dish just before dinner, so you do not have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen just before dinner and we are like kings or queens in the same way. This Christmas salad can be eaten cold but as it really is yummy it is warm or lukewarm, ideal for these icy dates.

Preparation of the seafood base

  1. We put water to heat in a large saucepan and when it is boiling add the prawns and a bay leaf. Cook for about 5 minutes, remove the prawns and the bay leaf. Chop the prawns in half and reserve in a large bowl where we will be adding all the ingredients.
  2. While the prawns are made in another fire we are going to cook the eggs. We cover them with cold water and cook 10 minutes from the boil. We should not cook them any longer since a dark greenish halo forms around the yolk that is unpleasant to the eye. With these indications you have to be perfect. Peel when cold, separate the part of the white from the yolks, the whites will go to the base and the yolks will be for the vinaigrette.
  3. Thaw the crab sticks and cut into small pieces. We open the cans of tuna and mussels and drain, we also cut the salmon into small pieces. We add all the ingredients to the bowl.
  4. We crush everything with the mixer, when we see that the ingredients begin to mix, add the cream cheese and continue mixing until everything is uniform, as shown in the photo. We put everything in a closed container and in the fridge. Needless to say, this base is a perfect pate to serve with crispy toast, it is amazing. In this case it will be the base for this great salad, if you want to give it more level you can add prawns, Norway lobsters … whatever comes to mind.

Preparation and assembly of the salad

  1. We wash the lettuce and other vegetables and drain well. Although these salads are usually sold already clean in plastic bags, I recommend, however, to wash them again in water before preparing it.
  2. We prepare the vinaigrette that is going to be one of the strong points when dressing and flavoring this Christmas salad. The proportions will depend on the taste of each one, the most important thing is the type of oil and the vinegar. In a glass add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. We introduce Ilove extra virgin olive oil, sherry vinegar, honey, brandy and stir vigorously until it is bound. Add the previously crumbled egg yolks and gently stir until well mixed. We reserve.
  3. Peel the walnuts and the tomatoes. We break the two into small pieces and reserve.
  4. We only have the final assembly. To do this we are going to plate individually just before dinner, it is 5 minutes and you take it to the table. We must take the container with the seafood base out of the fridge to temper it, we are not interested in it being very cold. If you don’t have an easy trick, cut a 2-liter soda bottle in the middle with a sharp knife or knife and you will have your plaster ring for a hammer.
  5. We put the ring in the middle of the plate and cover with 2-3 generous tablespoons of seafood pate, press with the spoon until it is solid. Add a few pieces of tomato and some chopped walnuts above the base and cover with the assortment of lettuces already seasoned with the vinaigrette and sprinkle with Maldon salt to taste.
  6. We remove the plating ring and cover with a little spun egg that will give it an exquisite sweet contrast. And that there is more traditional than the spun egg for a Nadal recipe.
  7. We decorate with some threads of balsamic vinegar and at the table. To enjoy this special salad.

Be sure to enjoy all the recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog, I assure you that you will find a lot of ideas to make yours much happier.

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