Saffron risotto
Rice recipes

Saffron risotto

Saffron risotto


  • Half
  • 25 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.2 € / person
  • 332kcal per 100g.

How to prepare Italian risotto .

The Italian risotto  is one of those recipes rice that is becoming a classic in the blog. In which we already have several and different recipes for this Italian dish.

In Spain we are very rice growers and that shows. The main characteristic of this Italian dish is the creamy point that is obtained, by taking butter and grated cheese among its ingredients.

In addition it is also necessary to be stirring all the time, unlike Spanish rice, where it is allowed to cook in the broth.

For the risotto special varieties of rice are used, such as Arborio or Carnaroli . They are short-grain rices, high in starch, and that once cooked are round, firm and creamy.

For this risotto we have used Scotti risotto rice, which is perhaps the most easily found in supermarkets and supermarkets. By stirring continuously, the starch is released and thus a creamier and more linked broth is formed.

This saffron risotto is called in Italy ” risotto allo zafferano “. It is quite similar to ” risotto alla Milanese “, a very typical dish from this area of ​​Northern Italy: in Milan and by extension throughout Lombardy. It is a simple preparation, based on a basic risotto, with the addition of saffron .

I have prepared it in the traditional way, but it could perfectly be made with the ingredients that most appeal to you: seasonal mushrooms, fresh bacon, seafood, octopus, etc.

It combines very well with many foods, mainly those that give the broth its intense flavor. And of course, nothing to use food coloring.

Saffron risotto preparation

  1. To shorten the times and make your work easier, we can use packaged poultry stock. Although if you have it prepared at home much better, I leave you how to do it quickly in the following video.
  2. If you opt for a packaged one, always buy a good quality one, since it is an important part of the successful result of the risotto. In a saucepan, heat the broth.
  3. Peel the onion and chop it into “brunoise” . In a wide saucepan, pour 70 gr. butter and melt over medium heat with a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. This will prevent butter from burning and dissolving much better.
  4. Once converted into liquid, add the onion, which we cook 3-4 minutes, stirring at all times.

Risotto cooking and final presentation

  1. Now add the rice, turn up the heat, and toast it for 2 minutes. This will make it later more tender and creamy.
  2. We pour the wine, stir and continue on high heat 2-3 minutes so that the alcohol evaporates.
  3. We are going to incorporate the broth little by little to cook the rice. In the package the manufacturer recommends 14 minutes of cooking, so we are going to respect that time to make it al dente.
  4. We put a saucepan of hot broth, and we are stirring continuously, while checking that the liquid is being consumed. When there is almost no broth (but without letting it finish) we add another saucepan and repeat the process.
  5. In the last 5 minutes of cooking we are going to add the saffron. Pour the contents of the envelopes into a glass with broth and mix well. We put the content in the saucepan, stir well and continue cooking.
  6. After 14-15 minutes the risotto will be ready. Remove from the heat and proceed to “butter” the rice.
  7. Add the grated cheese and the remaining butter (30 gr.), And mix in enveloping movements. Little by little you will see how it is acquiring that characteristic point of creaminess.
  8. We serve immediately on the table, very hot.
  9. Finally we decorate with some sheets of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, which will melt with the heat given off by the rice.

I am sure your favorite risotto will be there. You can see all the photos of the step by step in the next album.

Tips for a yummy risotto

  • This high is in itself a delight, but as I told you at the beginning, you can add the complement that you like the most. You may have noticed that I have not added salt at any point in the process.
  • This is because both the bottled broth and the cheese already have their saline content. Try before serving at the table and rectify if necessary, to adapt it to your liking.
  • This recipe deserves a good authentic saffron , which although it can be expensive, the color and flavor it provides well deserve an effort. You can use it in strands or powder / ground.
  • It is more comfortable to use it already ground, because in strands we need to toast them before using them. It is the way that they then give us the right color. Place the sachet of the saffron threads, open, in the microwave.
  • Toast them for about 15 seconds. and then crush them in a mortar with a little cooking broth. If you have a gas stove, place them on some aluminum foil and put it over the flame for a couple of seconds. Soon it will release some smoke and the strands will be ready.

Choose from all the rice recipes that you will find on the blog.

  • With seasonal mushrooms
  • With simple ingredients like Parmesan
  • The original risotto with lamb and artichokes
  • Octopus risotto 
  • A classic sea ​​and mountain .

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