Quince and cheese cake
Desserts and sweets

Quince and cheese cake

Quince and cheese cake


  • Half
  • 45 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.6 € / person
  • 318kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a cheese and quince cake . Quince cheese is, without a doubt, one of the simplest sweet recipes that we can enjoy.

Since its preparation could not be easier. It is clear that its success depends 100% on the combination of flavors of its two ingredients.

In fact , cheese with quince is such a simple recipe that it would be great to be able to create something more elaborate from it. A dessert that is passionate in Galicia, and which is usually the culmination of a good meal.

We have posted how to make homemade quince jelly and sweet quince jelly on the blog. Although you can always buy some quince brand that you like and cheer up with this recipe.

With just a little while in the kitchen and a few ingredients that are very easy to get, we can make a fantastic cheese and quince cake. 

All this without the need to turn on the oven! I hope you cheer up with her.

Preparation of the tart cookie base

  1. To prepare the base of the cake we put the cookies in a glass grinder and crush them very fine, if there is any piece left undone, we can finish with a fork or fingers.
  2. We heat the butter in the microwave until it has completely melted. For reference: 3 minutes at 50% power.
  3. In a bowl, mix the cookies and butter with the help of a manual rod until they have become a dough.
  4. If our mold is one piece, we spread the bottom with butter. If it is removable, we cover the bottom with baking paper and trim the excess after closing it.
  5. Pour the mixture into the bottom and weigh it with a spoon, ensuring that we reach the edges and trying to make the thickness uniform.
  6. We put the mold in the fridge so that the dough compacts (half an hour).

Preparation of the cheese cake and quince

  1. With a mixer we begin to whip the cream, gradually adding half the sugar (50 g.).
  2. Add the cream cheese to the cream and mix (if necessary, with the mixer). Although it is better that we integrate it with some rods so as not to lower the air of the whipped cream.
  3. We dip the gelatin in warm water to hydrate it.
  4. Once the cream or milk cream and the gelatin in water are assembled, we will lightly beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar (50 g.).
  5. If you are going to consume the cake in a few days, it is better to use only the whites (without the yolks). In this way, you can mount the whites until stiff and it will be fluffier. Although the egg itself gives it more flavor.
  6. We incorporate the drained gelatin into the eggs and mix everything very well with the help of a fork.
  7. We mix all the ingredients (the eggs with the gelatin, the whipped cream and the cream cheese) until it is uniform. Everything must be fully integrated so that the gelatin works everywhere the same.
  8. Butter the walls of the mold and pour the mixture helping to spread to the edges and trying to make the top as flat as possible. We put back in the fridge.

Quince and final presentation of the cake

  1. We cut the quince into small pieces, put it to heat over medium heat (5 out of 10) with half a glass of water, stirring until all the lumps have dissolved.
  2. When it is a liquid, remove from the heat and let it temper.
  3. We check the consistency of the tart, when it is firm and before the quince covering has solidified, pour it over the mold until it is completely covered.
  4. Let cool in the fridge, preferably overnight. The next day this cake will be cold and delicious.

You can see all the photos of the step by step in this recipe for cheese cake and quince .

Tips for a yummy cheesecake

  • To serve, it is important to make sure that we also cut the cookie base. If we have used baking paper for the cake. This stays at the base of the mold instead of ending up on the plate of our guests.
  • The following quantities are for a 23 cm round pan. With them you will get a cake a little less than 4 centimeters high.
  • If you get one of those molds in which it can be separated from the walls. Serving the cake will be much easier and you can get a perfect look, without it sticking to the sides.
  • If you do not have gelatin in leaves, do not worry, I leave you with the equivalences so that you do not have problems if you use neutral gelatin powder.
  • For this recipe we use 15 g. sheet gelatin which is one and a half sachets of gelatin powder (Royal brand). One sachet of neutral gelatin powder is 10 g. and it equals 6 gelatin sheets. If you do not have gelatin but if Agar Agar, one gram of this seaweed is 3 sheets of gelatin.

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