Nutella Brownie
Desserts and sweets

Nutella Brownie

Nutella Brownie


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.45 € / person
  • 425kcal per 100g.

How to make a Nutella brownie . We add a new recipe for brownies to the family, because this chocolate cake is so delicious that we never tire of trying new formulas and sharing them with you.

We are driven crazy by the dense, juicy texture on the inside and crisp on the outside of a well-baked brownie. Not you?

Today’s is a Nutella brownie, which when we don’t make homemade chocolate cream , is the one we usually buy. Especially because Jimena is cool, I am not much of chocolate.

It could also be called a three-ingredient brownie. Chocolate cream with hazelnuts, eggs and wheat flour is all that is needed to create the base of this delight, although we have enriched it with walnuts and flavored with vanilla essence.

This goes in tastes and also with what you have at home. If you only have the basic ingredients, don’t wait to buy the rest to prepare it. The procedure is the same and the result is equally good.

We have previously proposed traditional brownies, made with sugar, butter and chocolate. In this case the Nutella integrates all of them, which makes this new brownie not only delicious but extremely easy and quick to prepare.

It is one of those perfect dessert recipes for the little ones at home for its simplicity, and of course for lovers of this cocoa cream. Another brownie to share with the white chocolate brownie  , the  Maria biscuit and lacasitos , another with orange or the brownie  with nuts and coffee . We hope you like it and are encouraged to prepare it.

Preparation of the chocolate cream brownie

  1. Before starting to prepare the mixture, which is done in the blink of an eye, we line the mold with baking paper. We cover the base and walls well, leaving it on the sides so that, when unmolding, we can pull it and the brownie comes out without problem.
  2. We prepare the oven, pre-heating it to 180ºC with traditional heat up and down. If we prefer to bake with air, we adjust the temperature downwards a little: 170ºC will be adequate (although this, as we always say, depends on each oven).
  3. We place all the Nutella or cocoa cream and hazelnuts in a deep, microwave-safe container. We heat 30 seconds so that it softens slightly and it is easier to mix with the rest of the ingredients. We can also heat it in a saucepan on the fire. In summer or when it is hot, this operation will not be necessary.
  4. In a deep and wide bowl, beat the eggs well. We sift the flour over them, add a pinch of salt and mix gently and with enveloping movements until there are no lumps.
  5. We add the vanilla essence and the chocolate cream and stir well, proceeding in the same way until we obtain a homogeneous, smooth and rather thick mixture.

Baking and final presentation of the chocolate cream brownie

  1. We add the peeled walnuts, which we can chop into smaller or smaller pieces (to taste) and mix again.
  2. Fill the lined mold with sulfurized paper and spread the mixture over the entire surface. We take the mold, lift it a couple of centimeters from the work table and drop it suddenly. We repeat the operation a few more times. With this we achieve that the possible air bubbles that the mass has disappear.
  3. We put the mold in the oven and cook for 25 to 30 minutes or until the surface has cooked and appears dry.
  4. It is convenient that the brownie is cooked but that the center retains a little juiciness, although the cooking point is completely optional. If we want it more cooked, we increase the oven time by 10 minutes.
  5. We remove the mold from the oven and let cool completely inside the mold. To unmold, we gently pull the sulfurized paper and transfer to a serving plate.

We cut into squares and ready to enjoy as is, with a splash of chocolate sauce, a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whatever we like best.

If you do not want to miss a detail on how to prepare this Nutella brownie recipe,  click on the photos in the step by step.

Tips for a Fluffy Nutella Brownie

  • Although the basic recipe for this Nutella brownie only has three ingredients: chocolate cream, eggs and wheat flour, we can enrich it by adding nuts and vanilla to the mixture, just as we have done. There are other possibilities, such as the use of sultanas, hazelnuts, almonds, orange zest, liquor, etc.
  • The brownie should rest before unmolding so that it acquires consistency and the flavors settle.
  • The brownie is delicious if we serve it warm, washed down with a splash of chocolate sauce and accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Serving him like this is raising him to another category.
  • Each oven is a world. Our cooking times and temperatures are indicative and, although a good starting point for the preparation of the brownie, it is important that you take the point to yours.
  • It is characteristic of the brownie that it has a square shape, so the mold in which to bake it should therefore be square or rectangular. With the indicated quantities and so that the mixture had the height that you see in the photos (2-3 cm), we have used a 20 x 20 cm mold.

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