Desserts and sweets Recipes Recipes for special occasions

White chocolate coulant or white soufflé

White chocolate coulant or white soufflé


  • Easy
  • 16 minutes
  • For 7 people
  • € 0.55 / person

Coulant of white chocolate or death by white chocolate accompanied with blueberry jam. Does dessert sound good today? Like the recipe for death by chocolate or the one of xixona nougat coulant that I published previously is very simple. Except for a few slight variations in the ingredients and quantities, the development of the recipe is very similar. I am a fan of white chocolate and it is a dessert not suitable for those who adore dark chocolate since the flavor is totally different.

Since I made coulant for the first time I have had a little master in this mini dessert. I have tried different chocolates (black 80%, 70%, 55%, with milk, without sugar, with orange and this one with white chocolate) varying the sugar depending on the chocolate, I have prepared it in other ovens (this is the most complicated) , I have increased the size of the mold (although I prefer the aluminum flaneras, they are perfect), with the frozen dough (my recommendation) or freshly prepared, with different fillings (raspberry, chocolate bonbons and almond cream) and at the end I keep the recipe published in 2009 and logically this one. I hope you cheer up and lose your fear of this dessert because it has no complications.

I am left with a constructive comment from Carlos that he sent me by email and that completes the recipe, perfect for the white chocolate coulant due to the amount of butter it brings: “I think it is a good recipe for –almost cupcakes-, it lacks a bit of impeller, although with the amount of eggs it seems that it could rise quite well. But the usual thing is to place the frozen chocolate inside the dough. In this way, once baked, the dough is fully cooked and the bonbon liquefied. It would be necessary to balance the fat of the dough to waterproof the entire baked contour that would prevent the liquid chocolate from leaking until we break it. ”

Preparation of the white chocolate coulant

  1. We are going to use the typical aluminum foil molds. The Mercadona brand ones come in 15 and are at € 1.45.
  2. Spread the 10 flaneras with unsalted butter and sprinkle with flour.
  3. We separate the whites from the yolks and beat them to the point of snow as if it were meringue. In case you do not know how to make meringue, the trick to make it come out without problems is to mix the egg whites at room temperature (not too cold) with a pinch of salt and then add the sugar. We beat a little more until they rise and are firm, in the bowl there should not be a single residue of fat or the whites will not rise. Then handle the meringue with a silicone spatula.
  4. Beat the yolks with a tablespoon of icing sugar until they foam. Add a pinch of salt and ground pepper. We stir with a wooden spoon.
  5. In the same bowl where we have the cream of the yolks we add the sifted flour and remove with a silicone spatula until there are no lumps. Add the egg whites until stiff and mix little by little until everything is tied, we must mix with enveloping movements so that the whites we have just mounted do not drop too low.
  6. We put the chocolate and butter in a bowl. We introduce it in the micro for 4 minutes at low temperature, then beat the mixture with a fork until there is a cream.
  7. We combine the chocolate cream with the previous cream and mix well with a spoon or silicone spatula.
  8. We put all the coulant cream in a pastry bag, so it will be easier to fill the containers. If you don’t have a sleeve, use a spoon carefully. Do not fill the entire container since the cake grows in the oven, leave about a cm unfilled.

Baking the coulants

This is the most important part of the recipe, baking. Each oven is a world, your ovens surely do not match mine, Teka HA830. In order for them to be perfect, you need to do a little test with one of them before your guests arrive. Take one of the coulants that you have prepared and try the indications that I show you in the following steps, so you can calculate exactly the baking so that it does not look like a fluffy cupcake, it must be liquid on the inside and fluffy on the outside. I repeat, it is important and essential to do a test if it is the first time that you prepare this recipe.

  1. We preheat the oven to 200º C, heat option up and down. After 5 minutes we go down to 180º C
  2. Here we have 3 options:
    • If we freeze the flan or coulant dough molds even without baking. We introduce in the oven for approximately 15-16 minutes. Each oven is a world, you will only know this by testing, in mine with 15 minutes it is perfect.
    • If the coulant dough is freshly made, put the coulant molds in the oven for 9-10 minutes.
    • If the coulant dough is freshly made and with a round frozen bonbon ball, Lindt type white chocolate. It will be 10-11 minutes.
  3. It can be seen that they are made when they increase their volume to the edge of the skirt. In addition, the edge will look curdled while the center of the Coulant trembles a little because it will be less done, it has a thin trembling layer.
  4. Remove from the oven, let cool for a couple of minutes and remove from the pan on a plate previously generously brushed with a blueberry jam. We can sprinkle it with a little icing sugar or cocoa powder.

This dessert should be taken hot, although in the summer a scoop of dark chocolate or berries ice cream is great, a red fruit coulis is also a good accompaniment and the contrast is fabulous. And for the more daring it can be covered with more hot chocolate. Enjoy ladies and gentlemen!

And the best of all, as I said, is that the Chocolate Coulant is very easy to make.

Tips summary:

  • White chocolate is difficult to work with. When melted, cocoa butter (its main ingredient) can separate and create an oily compound that can be recovered by emulsion, melting with the butter and whisking the mixture with a fork. As with dark chocolate, as soon as some water is added to the melt it becomes lumpy and grainy. Again, it can be recovered by emulsifying. Some brands work better than others for baking, sometimes having a tendency to turn brown when baked. I recommend you the drops of white chocolate Valor or pastry type.
  • The more cocoa the chocolate has, the less fluffy the Coulant will be, so it is important to control the type of chocolate you use.
  • It is perfect for any celebration if we do not want there to be a long wait between the main meal and dessert. It can be prepared in advance as it freezes perfectly. Just have the oven ready on the last plate and keep an eye on a clock for the times.
  • Do not fill the entire container since the cake grows in the oven, leave about a cm unfilled.
  • You can see that they are made when they increase their volume to the edge of the skirt and the edge looks curdled while the center of the Coulant trembles a bit.

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