Mussels in hot sauce or Rabid Tigers
Fish and seafood Recipes Tapas and appetizers recipes

Mussels in hot sauce or Rabid Tigers

Mussels in hot sauce or Rabid Tigers


  • Easy
  • 20 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 0.7 € / person
  • 260kcal per 100g.

How to make rabid mussels . One of the good products that the sea gives us in Galicia is the  mexillon , with great flavor and quality. Available all year round thanks to the numerous rafts found in the Rías Baixas.

It is considered the best in the world for its flavor and properties, with its own protected designation of origin. Throughout Galicia, whether we are in coastal areas or in the interior, it is typical to find mussels on the menus of restaurants, taperías or bars.

Many of them have their house specialty, steamed, in vinaigrette , the well known ” flu-flais ” or the ” rabid Tigers ” of which we are going to talk. As the name implies, they are not suitable for all palates. Since they are accompanied by a very spicy sauce, which according to the chef who prepares it ranges from the acceptable to the humanly unbearable.

Today’s recipe is an approximation to that of Trafalgar, since they keep it as a secret and it is difficult to get them to give the slightest clue about its preparation.

Preparation of the mussels

  1. We start by cleaning the mussels under a thread of tap water, removing the chins and any other impurities or dirt that they bring with them. P
  2. Let’s add a large pot with a good stream of white wine (Ribeiro, Godello or Albariño) in the bottom, add the mussels and a couple of bay leaves.
  3. We apply high heat for 3-4 minutes until we check that they are fully open.
  4. We remove from the fire and reserve so that they are tempered and we can help them.
  5. After a few minutes have passed, we remove them from the pot, removing one of the shells.
  6. We reserve them in a source for the final plating. The resulting liquid will also be used to make the sauce.

Preparation of the “rabid” sauce

  1. Chop the onion and green pepper in a “brunoise” (small cubes).
  2. In a frying pan with extra virgin olive oil and we poach them, together with the minced garlic, over medium heat.
  3. After a couple of minutes we salt to make the onion sweat and help us to soften the vegetables.
  4. We remove the tail and the seeds to the chilli. We add it whole in the pan so that it spreads its spiciness to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. After about 6-7 minutes we will have the vegetables well poached and soft.
  6. Now we pour the fried tomato , preferably homemade (the sauce with its intense flavor will win a lot). We remove so that it mixes well with the sofrito.
  7. From the resulting liquid of the mussels, strain the amount of half a glass, add it to the sauce and mix.
  8. With the chilli we will have quite spicy but we have not yet reached the “rabid” category.
  9. Add a tablespoon (for dessert) of hot paprika to the sauce. You can also add a good splash of Tabasco or Valentina sauce to your liking. Although do not go over because we want it to bite but also to be tolerant for diners.
  10. We let it reduce the sauce for another 5-6 minutes over medium heat so that it thickens and gains flavor intensity.
  11. We place the mussels in a platter. We cover them with a little hot sauce and sprinkle well-chopped parsley on top.
  12. As in any “spicy” food we can adapt it to the tastes of each one. Although to be faithful to the Trafalgar Tigers we should make it as we have described.

I encourage you to visit more recipes for tapas, snacks and pinchos  perfect for an unforgettable evening with yours.

Curiosities about this mussels cover

  • In Santiago de Compostela there is one of these Temples of the Galician Mexillón, the Bar Trafalgar on the corner of Rúa Raíña. There they prepare them with great “gastronomic wisdom” in various ways, although the most popular are the Rabid Tigers .
  • Trafalgar is well known for this elaboration. Even they themselves have made their “flag” by having a Bengal Tiger on the sign on their facade.
  • It is also included, of course, in the famous “ Paris-Dakar ” bar route , which encompasses more than 50 stores in this historic area around the Cathedral of Santiago. On more than one occasion we tried to achieve the feat of completing them all, but not even with the help of alcohol and youth could we do it.
  • In my university days it was an essential place when we went for a round of beer or wine shorts in the Zona Vella, with good friends like Nacho and Mónica, Costa, Susete and Amorín.
  • When we had a visit in the flat of some novice in this Compostela tapas, a must-see was the Trafalgar and its rabid Tigers , where it was more than one for ” God and help ” to take the mussels.

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