How to prepare a vegetable or vegetable omelette
Potatoes, sauces and garnishes Recipes Tapas and appetizers recipes

How to prepare a vegetable or vegetable omelette

How to prepare a vegetable or vegetable omelette


  • Half
  • 45 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 0.8 € / person

The quality of the ingredients and the art with which you prepare this simple dish will make you enter that almost private circle of mothers and grandmothers. They are the ones who make the omelette the best , with or without onions, as they want because with mom there is no discussion of cooking, they say “yes, mom.” Who wouldn’t kill for a juicy potato omelette? What do you ask your mother when you have 500 km left. to get home? When your mother calls you and says “son, are you coming to dinner?” What do you want me to prepare for you? I do not know if it is in the Iberian genes but the omelette is engraved on fire in our tastes, almost like a tattoo.

What am I proposing to you today? A vegetable omelette that can compete in ” the Tortilla Champions League “. With some Galician patacas if possible, good free range eggs,  vegetables from my father’s garden , a little salt and a good extra virgin olive oil. Mimo and a lot of love. So I assure you that it is impossible for you to go wrong, it will not be the best in the world but being different you are going to compete with that of dad or mom, that of the grandmother, that of the bar of a lifetime with that well-drawn cane that the It is supreme, the one for breakfast with coffee with milk in a glass, the one for picnics in summer, the one you have had at the beach bar with a good  cover of  Russian salad … I only provide one more. I hope you like it!

Preparation of the vegetable omelette

In today’s omelette I have dared to fry two types of potatoes, purple and others of the Kennebec (Galician) variety. The invention has not gone wrong, the two have been quite uniform in texture. Although this omelette has several ingredients, and each one is from its mother and father, the combination of flavors that I present to you is delicious.

  1. We peel the potatoes, we wash them to remove dirt and very importantly, we dry them. We cut into semi-thin sheets, I do not like that they dissolve a lot but that when they are fried, they toast a little. The theme of the thickness of the potatoes also goes to taste and some people prefer to cut them into very small pieces, in very thin sheets that almost break when frying or rather large. We put them in a large bowl, where we will then mix with the egg and add salt to taste. Stir well and reserve.
  2. We wash the chard well, chop them and cook them in a saucepan with water and a little salt. 3 minutes is more than enough. Drain them and leave on a plate with a little absorbent paper, we want them to have no water residue. We reserve.
  3. We chose our largest, non-stick frying pan. We put it on the fire and add a good extra virgin olive oil, do not be afraid to spend a little money on oil, it will give that point of flavor that distinguishes your omelette from the others. You can use the variety that you like the most, but as long as it is of quality.
  4. Peel the onion and cut as thin as possible. We do the same with the pepper (in small cubes) and the asparagus in fine rings. Poach the onion until it has a golden color, which has a caramelization point but without burning. We remove the large bowl.
  5. In the same frying pan we make the same first with the red pepper and then with the asparagus. Add them to the bowl with the poached onion and combine with the chard.
  6. It is time to fry the potatoes, we put them in the pan with the oil in which we have poached the vegetables that will give it a very rich flavor. Let them cook for about twenty minutes over low heat.
  7. While the potatoes are being fried, in the bowl where we are going to add the potatoes, we beat the eggs and add the vegetables.
  8. Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon from the frying pan, leaving them with the least possible oil, well drained. If we do not want any extra oil we can use a large strainer, let them drain and then put them in the bowl with the vegetables and the egg. We rest the future omelette for 10 minutes so that all the flavors come together (if you cook it in summer let it rest in the fridge). After those minutes this mixture is already delicious, try to toast some bread and add a capita with this mixture, simply incredible.
  9. In the same pan in which we have fried everything and once the oil has been removed, we cook the mixture that we have at rest. I like it undercooked, that when you break it with the fork a little liquid egg comes out, but you curd it as much as you want.
  10. For this type of omelette we only need 6-8 minutes over medium-high heat on each side. To turn it around I use a large flat plate that I have for salads, but you can use a ready edge cover. I have even seen that they sell special covers to turn the omelette, use the most comfortable and easiest method for you so that it does not scatter, and do it with care. Do not despair if it does not come out, in which case you will have a more curdled omelette, but just as delicious.

I leave you with a pastry of omelette, with a touch different from the usual one and perfect for lunch, dinner or taking a picnic. Remember that you can make it to the taste of each one by changing the vegetables, it will always be the best in the world, taking away that of our mothers.

I encourage you to visit more recipes for tapas, snacks and pinchos  perfect for an unforgettable evening with yours. Perfect for a light dinner, a party or, yes, a delicious way to share food with friends and the people you love.

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