Bread, dough and batter recipes

Homemade bread without kneading

Homemade bread without kneading


  • Easy
  • 90 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.4 € / person
  • 250kcal per 100g.

How to make homemade bread without kneading .

Despite the fact that making bread recipes at home is increasingly fashionable, the truth is that it is not a simple topic.

The factors that influence when making homemade bread are many. The type of flour, the degree of humidity, the way of kneading, the times and temperatures of rest, are some of the many factors that will influence the final result.

Despite everything said I have to say that it is possible to make homemade bread without kneading at home. The recipe that I bring you today is proof of this, without any kind of kneading work, basing the success of this bread on long fermentation, we will have a crusty crust bread and moist and fluffy crumb.

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The bread recipe that I present today is an example of how to get a homemade bread with almost no work and with a professional result. A perfect bread for the initiates in the world of homemade bread.

Another recipe to complete our section panarra, enjoy the crunchy seed bread , our easy bread or the accurate  homemade bread .

It is possible that some inveterate skirmisher is doubting what I tell you, but the truth is that the result is incredible. With minimal work we can enjoy delicious, crunchy and homemade bread at home, which I am sure you will love.

Preparation of the dough and ball shape

  1. In a bowl we mix the flour with the yeast. Mix well with a fork.
  2. We slightly heat the water until it is lukewarm and add it together with the salt. We mix well with the fork until we can no longer integrate.
  3. We finish shaping the dough with our hands until it forms a ball. It is not a matter of kneading, simply of agglutinating the ingredients working them for a few seconds.
  4. We place the dumpling in a lightly greased bowl and cover it with transparent paper. We keep the bowl in the fridge for about 10 to 12 hours. I usually leave it for a whole night to put on the bread in the morning.
  5. We sprinkle a work surface with enough flour and place our dough on it.
  6. With the help of a scraper we fold the dough towards the center of itself on all sides, in such a way that when we turn it we have a ball.
  7. It is not about kneading the dough, just shaping it into a ball . Follow the photos of the step by step and you will not miss a detail.
  8. We place the dough with the closure of our ball facing down and cover it with a cotton cloth.
  9. Let the bread dough ferment for 30 minutes.

Baking and final presentation of our bread

  1. We preheat the oven to 250º C above and below the temperature and without air, with the container where we are going to bake the bread inside.
  2. So, by the time we put the dough on top, it will be hot.
  3. Ideally, use a container with a lid, such as an iron or aluminum casserole. When the oven is very hot, place the dough in the container and cover it for 15 minutes.
  4. When covering the bread, it will make steam action, making the crust more crisp. If we do not have a container with a lid we can use any other and include the first 15 minutes of cooking a container with water in the oven.
  5. After the first 15 minutes of cooking at 250º C, with the container covered or with the bowl of water.
  6. We lower the temperature to 210º C and uncover the bread or remove the water. We continue cooking the bread for about 45 or 50 more minutes.
  7. We know that the bread is well cooked when when it hits its base it sounds hollow.

With minimal work, we can enjoy homemade bread at home without much effort. It will be perfect for our sandwiches or breakfast toast.

You can see all the photos of the recipe in the step-by-step recipe of bread without kneading . If you have doubts, follow the photos and you will get a perfect bread.

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