Hake burger
Fish and seafood recipes

Hake burger

Hake burger


  • Easy
  • 20 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.1 € / person
  • 290kcal per 100g.

How to make a delicious fish burger .

The burgers are not just for meat, we can also do them in  recipes with fish , which are rich well, I assure you .

This is one of those recipes that triumphs at home, even if your child does not like fish. The format and flavor I assure you that they will love it.

It is still a format that they already know and that they like, I assure you that with this recipe they will not even notice the difference.

We use a neutral flavor of a white fish such as hake that even with a sea flavor, adding a few ingredients that combine great, we achieve a yummy result.

A juicy, soft and very healthy hamburger that, in good bread and accompanied by a little salad, will delight young and old.

A healthy dish for all the nutritional properties that fish gives us and an authentic ‘secret weapon’ to make the little ones in the house eat fish . .

You will see how you have no problems for your children … and some older ones, to eat fish at dinner time.

Preparation of hake burgers

  1. We begin by cleaning the hake, removing the skin and the bones. It is important to crush it with your hands to check that there are no bones left. So then we can eat the hamburger with absolute tranquility, remember that it is a recipe for the little ones.
  2. Once minced, chop it further with a sharp knife. We reserve in a bowl.
  3. We mince the garlic clove (if you do not want to give it that touch, you can remove it from the list of ingredients) and fresh parsley.
  4. Peel the onion and chop very finely, as much as possible. We do not want its texture to be noticed in the hamburger but we do want its flavor.
  5. In a frying pan with a sheet of extra virgin olive oil, put the onion to sauté over medium low heat, until it begins to change color, leaving all the sugar, almost caramelized.
  6. Salt lightly. Add the garlic and continue cooking. In total 10 minutes. We remove and drain the oil.
  7. In the bowl with the fish, add the onion, garlic and parsley. Mix with the egg and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs.
  8. We remove and mix with a fork or with our hands. Mixing everything well until achieving a homogeneous mass that remains consistent.
  9. With our hands, we are making 4 balls of equal size, which will give us one hamburger per person.
  10. On a plate, crush with your hands and give them a rounded shape, as is, in the shape of a hamburger.

Final presentation of the hake burgers

  1. In a non-stick frying pan, with a little olive oil, cook the hamburgers round and round, for a couple of minutes on each side, until they are golden brown.
  2. We remove and make the assembly with the hamburger bread.
  3. On the slice of bread, the fish on top, and accompany with a slice of natural tomato and arugula or your favorite salad. We finish by placing the top cover of the bread.
  4. These burgers could use some white sauce, such as a light mayonnaise .
  5. Take the test at home and you will see how you succeed with this recipe.

If you have children that day it will be a party and they will be eating fish almost without realizing it.

Here you have a step by step in photos where I show how to prepare this hake burger recipe. Do not miss any detail so that they come out of you delicious.

Tips for a Fluffy Hake Burger

  • When shaping the hake burger, you can use a kitchen ring that is used for plating. So you will have the perfect shape.
  • I recommend a good hamburger bread, if it is homemade better (you can also do it with the little ones at home). On the blog you will find hamburger bread that improves the recipe.
  • Accompany your hamburger with the sauce that you like the most. Not just mayonnaise, a yogurt sauce is great, even something with more flavor. Here to the taste of each one, if you like it with homemade tomato sauce as we do at home, it is also delicious.
  • You can also eat them separately (without bread), with cutlery and with your favorite salad, which is simple, such as one of tomato and arugula.
  • For these burgers I have chosen white fish that was very well priced at the fish market. You could make them with other fish such as hake, sea bass, monkfish, tuna, bonito, salmon …
  • If there are celiac sufferers at home, all you have to do is replace the breadcrumbs and the hamburger bread with a gluten-free one. To enjoy all equally.

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