Frankenstein sponge cake. Halloween recipe
Desserts and sweets

Frankenstein sponge cake. Halloween recipe

Frankenstein sponge cake. Halloween recipe


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.5 € / person

Trick or Treating? Pumpkins, bats, ghosts and skeletons take over the kitchen blogs these days, and this week the most sought after are not mushrooms or chestnuts, but recipes for Halloween . It is still a party imported from another country, but as my friend Nacho says, ” unha festa é unha festa “. Whatever you look at it, the important thing is to have a good time and enjoy with the little ones at home, they are the ones who enjoy it the most.

The Halloween night is approaching and to celebrate from yummy recipes to cook we have put butt to give you plenty of ideas for that day, that you prepare yourselves at home for college or for a dinner with colleagues. We will start with this cake to give that dotted goré to your dinner, transform your house and recreate a most terrifying environment.

On the blog you will find a lot of recipes. Most are very easy, for example the recipe that I present today, this green sponge cake with eyes and a little bit of strawberry syrup that comes out of the sides. In our dessert recipes you could not miss these Frankenstein cupcakes  , the little ones at home will like them … a lot. Next night Samhain (in Galicia) “A noite das meigas”, enjoy the most appetizing and terrifying recipes.

Preparation of the Frankenstein cake

  1. Before starting the recipe, put the oven to heat at 180º C, heat up and down without air. The oven must be hot to introduce the sponge cake cream and then it should be done without problems.
  2. For this sponge cake I use a mold of 23 cm. in diameter, thus avoiding the problems of the baking paper in the mold or that the surface is not oiled enough. With this container we don’t have to do anything more than add the cream and bake.
  3. We separate the yolks from the whites and place each one in a different bowl.
  4. We are going to mount the egg whites until stiff. We reserve in the fridge while we prepare the rest of the cream.
  5. In a large bowl beat the yolks with the sugar, they have to blanch as much as possible.
  6. I usually beat them with a mixer with electric rods, but with skill and some manuals it also comes out. Add the vanilla and the lemon juice.
  7. Add the previously sifted flour to the bowl and approximately the measure of one of the whites mounted to the dough of yolks and sugar.
  8. Mix with a spatula, always with smooth and enveloping movements, until there are no lumps of flour.
  9. Pour in the food coloring and mix well until our cake is stained.
  10. We introduce the rest of the whites mounted to the point of snow to the cream. We continue mixing with enveloping movements so that the cream does not come down, this is the most laborious part.
  11. Pour the mixture into the mold and smooth the surface with a spatula.
  12. Bake in the middle tray for about 30-35 minutes. The dough must have grown enough, check the sponge cake point with a fork, skewer or knife, click in the center, if it comes out clean it is ready.
  13. When this is baked we take it out and let it cool for a few minutes outside the oven. This type of cake is fragile and if it is very hot it can easily break, it is essential that it is cold before unmolding.
  14. Carefully run a knife around the edges, remove from the mold and place it upside down on a rack until it cools down completely. We already have it ready for any recipe or to take it as it is with your favorite coffee or infusion.
  15. We cut into equal squares and decorate as the little ones of the house like, it is important that they participate, they must be terrifyingly terrifying.
  16. My advice is to open a small mouth with the knife and cut the ends of the almonds to fit perfectly in that mouth.
  17. If you want to give it a more terrifying touch, add a little strawberry syrup or red sugar paste. For the eyes a few simple Christmas sugared almonds with a chocolate dot and you will have bulging eyes.

This delicious, is the sponge cake of a lifetime with flavor of vanilla and lemon but with considerable tuning. Happy Halloween night! If you want you can share with everyone your recipes with the hashtag #HalloweenDeRechupete

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