Corvina en papillote with vegetables
Fish and seafood recipes

Corvina en papillote with vegetables

Corvina en papillote with vegetables


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 2.6 € / person
  • 220kcal per 100g.

How to make corvina in papillote with vegetables.

Cooking in papillote or in papillot , in a cooking technique that consists of ” cooking food in its own juices inside a closed packaging that prevents the evaporation of gases and aromas “.

It is a clean and comfortable technique that does not entail any difficulty. The elaboration of fish following this method is one of the most classic recipes.

Prepare corvina in papillote with vegetables at home, it could not be easier by following a few steps.

It is not about getting complicated or very long elaborations. A small wrapper, aluminum foil or another specific, will serve to make a delicious and healthy fish dish with vegetables.

Who is animated with this corvina in papillote? A very healthy and perfect recipe to enjoy this fish in all its essence and flavor.

Preparation of sea bass and vegetables

  1. We ask our fishmonger to clean the corvina for us, to remove the viscera and scales.
  2. We can use various types of cut, both loins and slices, to the taste of each one. We salt the fish and reserve.
  3. We wash the vegetables and cut them into canes of about 5 cm. long.
  4. We must cut the vegetables into thin pieces to make sure they cook while the fish is in the oven.
  5. On a large piece of aluminum foil we place 1 serving of corvina with part of the chopped vegetables.
  6. We water with a small splash of extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with lemon zest.

Preparation of corvina with papillote

  1. We make a package with the aluminum foil in such a way that the fish is very loose inside.  
  2. We seal everything around the aluminum package well trying to make it as airtight as possible.
  3. It must be hermetically closed since during baking the package must be inflated by the vapors of its contents without it escaping.
  4. So a certain amount of slack is required when making this foil bag.
  5. We perform the same operation for each serving or making packages of two in two servings.

Baking and final presentation of corvina in papillote

  1. We place the packages on a baking tray and, with the oven previously heated to 180º C, we bake the fish for 30 minutes.
  2. We remove the packages from the oven, open them and serve immediately with all their juice.

If you do not want to miss the detail of this corvina recipe in papillote with vegetables , be sure to see this album step by step.

Tips for a croaker in a yummy porridge

  • Corvina is a fish with great versatility in cooking. We can prepare it in many ways: in stews such as  corvina in sauce , in  Peruvian ceviche , the traditional baked corvina , grilled, steamed, etc.
  • As I present the recipe it would be a recipe suitable for diet or for a very healthy diet. But you can accompany it with some potatoes in bakery and add them to another baking tray. So you take advantage that it is on. Although white rice would also be great.
  • Other elaborations of baked fish , which you can find on the blog, would be classics such as turbot , sea ​​bass or sea bream . All of them easy to cook and with guaranteed success on the table for both daily and special occasions.

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