Chocolate and orange bonbons
Desserts and sweets

Chocolate and orange bonbons

Chocolate and orange bonbons


  • Half
  • 40 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 0.8 € / person

How to make some truffle chocolates with chocolate and orange . Perfect chocolates for Valentine’s Day.

Although it seems to me that this party is a purely commercial celebration, thought only to consume or a slightly cheesy party.

But every year I fall into the discourse of this day for the theme of love, when it is demonstrated every day and not only on a specific date.

The fact is that I find myself preparing some chocolate and orange truffles for my girl. It’s been a long time since I wanted to try to prepare these chocolates, and what better occasion than this date.

It was the French, Swiss and Belgian artisans who created  the chocolates  as we know them today. There is a story, I don’t know if true or not, of the origin of these bites.

It seems that it was Louis XIV’s pastry chef, the Sun King, who prepared for the first time to see a bonbon bathing some fruits frosted in chocolate.

The king could only say “ bom bom ” (very good), to the food that was offered and hence its name. Currently, the variety of chocolates is almost infinite, whether they are filled with truffles, liqueur, praline, cream, hazelnuts, other chocolates … but the truth is that the common denominator is always good chocolate .

I hope you will be encouraged for this Valentine to surprise your partner with some delicious chocolates, about 16 units come out at about € 0.20 / unit, will you not tell me that I am not tempting you?

 Preparation of the base chocolate for chocolates

  1. If we want to give them an original touch we can use some golden coloring that is bought in confectionery stores. It is optional but it gives that professional little point to the bombs.
  2. In a glass we mix ½ teaspoon of alcohol with a pinch of golden coloring and mix very well. With a brush we paint the inner surface of our molds. Let dry.
  3. We put 125 g in a water bath. of your favorite chocolate and melt it slowly.
  4. We pour the melted chocolate into the chocolate molds making it cover its entire surface with a thin layer. We keep in the fridge for 20 minutes until it hardens. We will have a little bit of chocolate that we reserve.
  5. We wash the orange very well and grate. Remember not to get to the white part, because it is bitter and we do not want this flavor in the bonbon.
  6. We put in a small saucepan the cream, the zest of the orange, the rest of the chocolate and the alcohol that you have chosen. If the chocolates are going to be eaten by your little ones, it is better not to add it. I have used aged rum but an orange liqueur would also be perfect.
  7. Melt over medium-low heat, stirring constantly.

 Preparation of orange chocolates

  1. When the mixture is well integrated pour into each of the molds of the chocolates until filled. We keep in the fridge 15 minutes.
  2. With the melted chocolate that we had left, which will be little but enough, we cover each of the chocolates with a thin layer.
  3. We keep in the fridge for at least 2 hours until it is completely solidified and there is no danger of them breaking when unmolding.
  4. It is important that every time we add chocolate to the molds. For both the outer covering and the filling, the entire outer edge is as clean as possible. If we do not do so, there will be chocolate chips that will spoil the final appearance.
  5. When the chocolates are completely solid, remove from the mold.
  6. Since I wanted to make heart shaped chocolates, and I did not have a specific mold for chocolates, it occurred to me to use a mold to make ice with that shape that I did have at home. It is the one that almost everyone has at Ikea’s house.
  7. Although it is possible to make them, I also tell you that it is not the ideal container.
  8. The material is much more rigid and the task of release is much more complicated and risky since, being less manageable, it is much easier for the chocolates to break when trying to remove them.

Even so, I’m happy with the result, I have been cool, right? Let’s see what they look like to my girl!

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