Brownie or birthday cake. Chocolate doll
Desserts and sweets

Brownie or birthday cake. Chocolate doll

Brownie or birthday cake. Chocolate doll


  • Half
  • 70 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.8 € / person

This recipe has its public assured. The same photo says it all, dense and juicy heart of the best chocolate, perfect and achieved texture, crispy on the outside with a fine chocolate coating worthy of the best pastry and adorned with colored Lacasitos and extra fine chocolate shavings. What more could you ask for for a cake?

If you put the candles with the voodoo ritual as we did, the cake is even a game. Needless to say, there was nothing left over, a perfect dessert for the very very chocolatiers.

I hope that this special recipe makes you smile by remembering that dish that you liked so much when you were little or the favorite of your children and nephews. I leave you with it, enjoy it!

Preparation of the base brownies for the doll

  1. The first thing is to prepare the container where we are going to cook them. I have used a super nice one from Lekué called Gingerman, a mold in the shape of a gingerbread cookie that is used to prepare the famous giant cookie and fabulous cakes, the most fun is to decorate them later.
  2. Although the mold is silicone, I usually smear it with butter so that it comes out better, since if it breaks we will have a small problem. Sprinkle the inside of the mold with chocolate powder, if you do not have you can do it with Colacao or Nesquik. I haven’t used flour because the last time I made it I had small specks of white flour left on the base. With this trick we solve this problem and on top we give more flavor to this cake.
  3. Put the grated chocolate or small pieces with the butter in a bowl and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes at medium temperature (we have to take it out every minute to stir and watching that it does not burn). We remove and mix the mixture well with a rod until there is a chocolate cream similar to the nutella or nocilla.
  4. In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until a frothy cream remains. Add the tablespoon of vanilla and the baking soda.
  5. Pour the chocolate cream in the previous bowl. Mix well with the rods.
  6. We sift the flour with a strainer and add to the previous mixture, stir very well until obtaining a homogeneous cream paste.
  7. Pour the chocolate cream mixture into the Gingerman’s mold. I have helped myself with a silicone palette to take advantage of all the cream and that there is nothing left in the bowl.
  8. We cook the brownie in the oven preheated to 190º degrees in the intermediate part for 40/45 minutes (as I mentioned in some other recipe, it all depends on the oven, always look with a fork that when pricked comes out dry). When it takes 20 minutes in the oven, cover with a little aluminum foil so that the surface does not burn and the crust is perfect and crisp. In my oven the preparation time is exactly 45 minutes but in my mother’s with 40 it arrives. You should not spend on the subject of time because you will get a dry cake that no one will eat. It is better that you have little done than that it stays too dry.
  9. We let it cool on the tray and when it is cold we carefully remove it from the mold. We reserve.

Preparation of the chocolate coating

  1. We heat the liquid cream in a saucepan and when we see that it begins to heat up without boiling we remove from the heat. We cut the chocolate into pieces and add them to the saucepan. We stir very well until the chocolate is integrated with the cream and we have a dense cream.
  2. We prepare butter in ointment point, that is to say in an intermediate state between the melted butter almost like oil and the cold solid butter. When the butter is very creamy, with the texture of a cream, it is when it receives the name of butter in ointment. It is very simple, we cut the butter into cubes, put it in the micro for 30 seconds until it begins to melt and with a fork or some rods, beat until it is homogeneous, at about 24ºC.
  3. Add the butter in the ointment and mix with the cream until it is perfectly linked, it will give shine to our chocolate coating. We already have our chocolate to dress our birthday doll.

Presentation and decoration of the cake

  1. Once we have the cold or warm brownie, we put it on a rack, it is worth the one in the oven, and we pour the covering chocolate on top of the doll so that it is totally distributed on the surface and sides of the cake. No matter what falls on the counter, we will reuse that chocolate to make chocolate shavings.
  2. To make it homogeneous, help yourself with a spatula, take advantage of the fact that it has not yet hardened and place the chocolate candies or laccates as we like, separating the colors to make it more attractive. Then we make room in the fridge and put it to harden the chocolate coating. In 10 minutes we will have the perfect thin layer of chocolate. Meanwhile we are going to prepare the shavings.
  3. To do this we just have to help ourselves with a spatula and spread the chocolate on the counter (which is cold), and leave a very thin layer of chocolate that will harden quickly. Then we just have to scrape with a knife or with the same spatula and the shavings that we will use for the doll’s pants will come out. Another way is to grate directly from a chocolate bar. We take out the doll and we have just decorated.

And that’s it, here we have a perfect birthday cake, it will like the most children and those who are not so much. And for a round party you can accompany it with a cool birthday card or message .

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