Broth of glory. Rosalía de Castro Day
Recipes Salad and vegetable Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Broth of glory. Rosalía de Castro Day

Broth of glory. Rosalía de Castro Day


  • Easy
  • 100 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.4 € / person
  • 296kcal per 100g.

How to make Gloria broth . The Galician soup  is one of the popular dishes of Galician cuisine.

Such a traditional and typical dish, which is present in every home and reaches every corner. For this reason, it also has multiple variations, and almost every cook has their own recipe. The “Caldo de Gloria” is one of those typical recipes of a certain area, and in this case it is Padrón (A Coruña).

This broth has become famous thanks to the great Galician poet Rosalía de Castro , who reflected in her poem ” Miña almost, meu lar ” (My house, my home) from the book “Follas novas”. In this poem he tells how a woman arrives in Padrón, from Santiago de Compostela, tired and hungry, and despite her poverty manages to prepare a broth of Gloria .

A very emotional poem that talks about survival, the fight against poverty of those times and how the simplest is enough to be happy: a broth and the heat of the “lareira” (fireplace) in your home.

On February 24, the anniversary of the birth of Rosalía de Castro, the “Rosalía Day” is celebrated in Padrón and other Galician towns. In addition to cultural events, many hospitality venues offer Caldo de Gloria to their clients. A great initiative that unites culture and gastronomy.

The broth Gloria is a simple dish, easy to prepare and very nutritious. Ideal for the coldest months of the year. This year, on February 24, we will make this broth at home to honor the great Rosalía de Castro.

Preparation of the Gloria broth. Before cooking the broth. Beans (beans) and meat

  1. In this broth I have used dried beans / beans, so I had to soak them the day before.
  2. The first thing is to run them through water to remove impurities, and incidentally we take a look at them to discard those that are crushed or damaged.
  3. At least they should be about 12 hours, so they hydrate properly. The next day, we put them in tap water.

The next day. We cook the Caldo de Gloria

  1. We start from a large pot, with plenty of warm water. Add the hydrated beans, the veal bone and the anoint.
  2. Bring to a boil, lower to low heat and salt to taste. We will cook about 45/50 minutes with the pot covered. Occasionally we take a look, and skim if necessary.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut them into large cubes and add them to the casserole. We cook 10 minutes.
  4. From the turnip tops, we remove the thickest stems and take advantage of the most tender leaves. We discard those that are already somewhat yellowed or crushed. We pass them through the tap water and then add them to the casserole.
  5. From the cabbage, we discard the outer leaves. We use the smallest and most tender leaves. We incorporate them into the pot. If you see that they are very large, cut them in half. We cook the vegetable another 15 minutes.
  6. At this point, we remove the daub and the veal bone. We taste the broth and rectify with salt, to taste. We turn off the heat and let it rest for about 30 minutes before serving.

We bring to the table very hot, we accompany a good artisan bread and enjoy this delicious broth. A super nutritious dish that will surely hook you, how easy it is to prepare and how comforting it is.

You can see all the photos of the step by step   in the  Gloria broth recipe. Follow the preparation process and it will be perfect the first time.

Some tips for a Gloria broth from yummy

  • I have prepared this broth, etc. You can tune it as you like. But no meat, since if not, it would not be “Caldo de Gloria”. The woman in the poem was very humble and had only the resources of her garden.
  • If you have time, a good recommendation is to prepare it the day before, and then reheat it slowly the next day. It will be with more substance and also thicker.
  • If you like thicker the broth, a good trick is to remove some potatoes and a few beans. Crush everything with a fork, return it to the pot and cook for a few minutes.
  • If you have fresh beans, you save yourself by soaking them the day before. Then you reduce the cooking time to 30 minutes, although this will depend in part on the type of bean you use.
  • The turnip tops are very typical in Galicia, and give it that distinctive and unmistakable touch. In case you do not find them fresh or that it is no longer in season, it is possible to find good canned turnip greens, natural or canned. They are usually of good quality. In markets, gourmet stores or supermarkets, it is common for them to have them.

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