Baked cod with potatoes and onion
Fish and seafood recipes

Baked cod with potatoes and onion

Baked cod with potatoes and onion


  • Easy
  • 50 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 4.9 € / person
  • 260kcal per 100g.

How to make baked cod with potatoes and onion

Cod is one of my favorite fish. Because of its texture, its flavor, its versatility in the kitchen, and also because with little elaboration we are able to produce delicious dishes.

Whether fresh or salted cod, this fish gives us the possibility of eating healthy, rich and delicious.

If you take a visual on the blog, you will see my great love for recipes with fish , especially cod .

I have already prepared many dishes with this delicacy of the seas, such as the traditional pil-pil cod , the famous Biscayan cod and there were recipes from our neighbors in Portugal, some real cod kings. Among others, I recommend the Portuguese style cod (which I have based on for today’s recipe) or the cod à Gomes de Sá .

This baked cod with potatoes and onion is very easy to cook. With basic ingredients and a small step by step, we get a first class dish.

The recipe is from the notebook that I inherited from my mother, she did it a few times because my father likes it better with salted cod, Portuguese style. But I loved fresh cod, because its texture is juicier and smoother. Now you can enjoy at home, a gift for your palates.

One of the keys to success is having the best raw material. A fresh cod of guarantees , although it comes out a little more expensive, and also some quality potatoes. Who is encouraged this Sunday to prepare it at home?

Preparation of potatoes and onions

  1. Before going to work, preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 180º C.  
  2. We peel the potatoes, and we cut them in bakery (in slices). In the end they will be similar to the baked bakery potatoes that I have accustomed you to.
  3. Chop the onions in julienne strips. Thickness similar to the cut of the potatoes.
  4. In a wide dish (suitable for the oven), place a potato base and continue with the onion.
  5. Season to taste and water everything with a good stream of virgin olive oil.

Baking and final presentation of baked cod

  1. Bake 10 minutes at 180º C.
  2. We remove from the oven. We place the fresh cod loins, skin side down.
  3. We give a touch of black pepper again, another of rosemary (fresh or dry), water with extra virgin oil and finally add the glass of white wine.
  4. We bake about 20 minutes at 180º C. The time will depend on the thickness of the fish loins and what your oven “rushes”.
  5. Go take a look every now and then so that we don’t miss the cod.

Ready the dish, we serve hot on the table, and enjoy a delicious baked cod.

If the video and the recipe do not reach you. Do not miss the step by step of the baked cod recipe .

Tips for a baked cod with potatoes and yummy onion

  • This dish is prepared in “two stages”. The garnish goes to the oven first and then the fish. Therefore, if you run out of time, you can leave the potatoes and onions ready in advance. Then it will be time to add the cod when you need it, and in 20 minutes ready to serve on the table.
  • I have given it an aromatic touch with rosemary, which is one of my favorite herbs. But we can also give it the personal touch that you like or want the most, with thyme, mint, bay leaf, etc. The beauty of the kitchen is the diversity of dishes that can be prepared, according to the tastes of each cook.
  • We will choose fresh and good quality cod loins , as it is the main ingredient. In the market you will find several options, but I recommend you make an effort and buy a good product. As for the potatoes, I don’t risk it. At home I always have Conde de Galicia Calidade Potatoes , from the A Limia region (Ourense), of the Kennebec variety and with the guarantee of the Galicia Calidade seal.

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