The Fried Webos Book. Recipes and moments.

Yummy desserts, 80 recipes to sweeten your life

Yummy desserts The book fair is already here and like every year I will visit El Retiro (Madrid) to sign, cuddle, talk, kiss or converse in the gastro world with all of you who visit it. It is even a very good opportunity to enjoy the book party. Logically I advise you to visit the latest news from Larousse in booths 259-263 in Anaya . I will be in the same from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm on Sunday, June 8.

We already have 3 ebooks with  Amazon and 2 with Larousse.  We chose the subject of “Desserts de chumpte” right away since we had been thinking about making another book for a while. I wanted to pay tribute to the women in my family, especially the most beloved by all, my grandmother Lucrecia . The book has become a summary of the best desserts that I remember having enjoyed since I was a child and that you can find on the blog. In it I have included recipes from my aunt Amelia (that wonderful rice pudding), my sister Nuria (her tiramisu in her own way and Entroido’s ears), my cousin Patricia (her famous 3-chocolate cake), and many of my mother, even some of friends like Sonia (with its German cheese cake), the incredible tocinillo de cielo by Carmen Moutas or the cocadas by Natalia .

The title came out of the running: ” Delicious desserts, 80 recipes to sweeten your life . ” Desserts are the perfect culmination of both a great banquet and a simple meal. The philosophy that is strictly followed in my family is that for a great party there can be only one main dish, but you cannot miss five or six different desserts. What are we going to do, we are a family of larpeiros!

After the success of the first,  Eating well every day , we decided that it should follow a very similar line in editing and design.  Jimena,   who already had the work of the first ebook behind her, made the illustrations and structure necessary to give it that point of quality, color and animation.

I leave you with the two formats of ” Desserts of delicious “, digital or printed, I hope you decide on one, the one that seems most comfortable to you. We have made an effort (the publisher and ourselves) so that the price is in line with the times we have lived in, the margins are adjusted to the maximum. If you want to send us an email,, a photo with your book or ebook, it will be welcome, I will upload it to the post images folder. Thanks in advance.

Deschupete desserts ebook, 80 recipes to sweeten your life

Tastes and smells of the homemade snacks and breakfasts prepared by our mothers and grandmothers. All recipes are described in great detail, step by step with all the tricks to get yummy. Be sure to sweeten your life and yours with this practical book.

  • Authors: Alfonso López Alonso, Jimena Catalina Gayo (Layout designer and illustrator)
  • Editorial: Rechupete recipes
  • ISBN: 9788415149330
  • Price: € 4.99.
  • Also available on iBooks (iPad, iPhone)

You should buy this ebook if …

  1. … you are a sweet tooth of cookbooks but you no longer fit one more on the shelves and your partner threatens to throw you and your books on the street.
  2. … You want to give a gift to those family or friends who are cooks and enthusiasts of the digital world, who do not separate themselves from their ebook reader.
  3. … your ebook reader, tablet or laptop have a screen full of flour because they are essential tools in your kitchen.

With the first ebook, Jimena left us a rather graphic post ” The adventure of making an ebook ” of all the work behind it, in it she explained by way of conclusion:

“The effort was worth it, Eating Well Every Day has been number one in sales in its category (Home & Kitchen) for several months on both Amazon and iTunes. Larousse contacted us to make a printed version (which is always very exciting for parents who do not understand the internet) and Amazon Spain also contacted us to make a second book exclusively for the Kindle Fire (which we have recently published: Desserts yummy). If I had put a price / hour at the time I have dedicated to the book, would I have recovered the investment with the sales? The truth is that as of today NO , but now I know how to make ebooks and we have obtained enough to pay for an English translation and try our luck in the Anglo-Saxon market. Who knows … maybe we will line up;) ”

After a few months, I assure you that nothing is covered. But what we do have are 80 pastry recipes and delicious typical desserts, it is worth having something as beautiful as an ebook or a book, and that people use it to cook and make others happy …

Book with Larousse “Yummy desserts, 80 recipes to sweeten your life”

  • Authors: Alfonso López Alonso (Author), Jimena Catalina Gayo (Illustrator)
  • Publisher: Larousse
  • ISBN: 978-8415785156
  • Price: € 14.25.
  • Features: Softcover book, 256 pages.
  • Edition: Spanish – Gastronomy Collection.

For the prologue of the book I have had a luxury team: Berta Castro from ” The taste of sweetness “, Sandra Mangas from ” The recipe for happiness “, Pepa Maqueda from ” Pepa cooks “, Rosa Árda from ” Speed ​​spoon ” , Marta Miranda from ” Deliciosa Miranda “, Pamela Rodríguez from ” Uno de dos “, Susana Pérez Martínez from ” Webos fritos ” and Sandra Novo from ” Galletas para Matilde “. Of course I have wrapped up with 8 friends, kitchen cracks, which make Desserts de chump a more complete book, full of tricks and specialties from the best bloggers on the net, more than recommended. A real delight for all the senses.

“What can I tell you about this book? Well, first of all it is not another cookbook. It is dotted with stories, love for cooking, and reflects the author’s simple and close personality. Not to mention the beautiful illustrations that accompany it. But going to the essentials, in a cookbook I mainly look for two things: that I have suggestive recipes that encourage me to cook, and that once I have gotten involved, the recipes are well explained and work. This book more than meets these expectations: it is full of appetizing desserts that also always turn out well. And I am not telling you because Alfonso has given me a ham (which on the other hand would have been a detail), but because I have tried several of the recipes in the book, and they have automatically been incorporated into the most popular recipes at home. In fact, right now, as soon as I finish writing these lines, I’m going to get down to work with a certain chocolate and chestnut cake that I’ve been dreaming about for some time… ”
Sandra Mangas (Sandee)

“I am really enjoying preparing Rechupete desserts in my kitchen: 80 recipes to sweeten your life.
There is something for everyone, my mother loves that I make the recipes of a lifetime that Alfonso offers us in his cookbook, my oldest daughter is crazy about chocolate desserts, the little one fascinated by the illustrations of Jimena, my husband crazy with his rice pudding and I am delighted with how well structured it is and how comfortable it is for me to consult any recipe. That it is a fantastic book you are going to check it as soon as you have it, and hopefully one day you can meet its author; He is a great person, a great communicator, a great blogger, and he is also my friend and I love him. ”
Susana Pérez Martínez 

“When I met Alfonso, I had only been in blogs and recipes for a short time and he was already seen coming from afar. Charisma, heat, power and an approach to the stove with a rolled-up shirt, with the background baggage of the stove of his grandmother Lucrecia. In this man everything is energy and pots; in Jimena, everything is good to do in the shade. Stop your second book today. Sweet, bathed in milk, sugar and cinnamon. A pride for those of us who love them. ”
Marta Miranda Arbizu

In short, a book to learn how to make homemade desserts of a lifetime, both easy and elaborate, with these recipes explained step by step and photographs. Custard, rice pudding, cakes and biscuits … the confectionery will enter your house so that you and yours can enjoy the flavors that we all remember from our childhood, with those traditional sweets that our mothers and grandmothers prepared.

I leave you with the photos from the book presentation at the Madrid Book Fair and I encourage you to stop by the Fair this year. I will be this Sunday the 8th from 19:00 to 21:00 at the Anaya booth (Larousse) 259-263. Thank you all very much for supporting me with these books, you make the blog a little bigger and more beautiful every day. THANK YOU

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