Warm prawn salad in tempura
Fish and seafood Recipes Recipes for special occasions Salad and vegetable

Warm prawn salad in tempura

Warm prawn salad in tempura


  • Easy
  • 30 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.8 € / person
  • · ·

More and more salads for those who complained that on the blog there were not many cool recipes for the summer. Today I present you another warm prawn salad in tempura with romesco sauce, it sounds very good, right? It may seem like a recipe with a lot of ingredients, with a lot of complication, but I think that if you have the sauce made in advance, the rest is a walk and the result is very grateful.

Salad preparation

  1. We prepare  the romesco sauce : We preheat the oven to 180ºC. Then we will put the ñoras open in half in a bowl with hot water, we will notice that they are hydrated when they recover the moisture and original body. When they are like this, remove the meat from the skin by scraping with a knife and chop it for the end of the process where we will add them to the sauce mixture. Then we will introduce the tomatoes, onion and garlic head in the oven with a splash of olive oil. When the garlic is soft we will remove the tomato and the garlic, leaving the onion for approximately 15 more minutes depending on the onion. Then we will peel the onion, the tomatoes, the meat of the hydrated ñoras, the peeled roasted garlic, and we will put everything with the dried fruits in the turmix, mincer or similar, when it is well crushed we will add the oil, salt and vinegar . It can be frozen or kept in a refrigerator for 7 to 10 days.
  2. We prepare the crispy vegetables in tempura: First of all we will put the water to cool. Then we will clean the vegetables, cut them into julienne strips and put them with salt. Next we will put the oil to heat, if it can be in a better fryer, and finally we will mix the very cold water with the flours in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.
  3. If we did not have the proportions we will have to get a thick paste, rather liquid but without going over, otherwise the pasta will drain and will not coat well. (For this, the best thing will be to do one-to-one tests until you reach the optimal frying point). In a bowl we will mix the vegetables in julienne and add a little tempura and remove the whole set.
  4. When the oil is around 160º C we will add small portions of vegetables with tempura and leave until they are crisp rather than golden. Since if we use the tempura mix we will be working with a different type of flour (rice, corn, etc.) that does not need a lot of time in the oil to be crispy and does not have to brown too much.
  5. To finish the salad: We will place at the bottom of the plate a little romesco sauce, a bouquet of lettuces already seasoned and on top we will place the crispy vegetables. Finally, in a frying pan we will sauté a little onion, when it is we will add 1 grated tomato and let it braise well, then we will add the prawns with a little salt and cook them just enough. We will put them next to the salad.
  6. We only need to water around the salad and we will serve immediately.

Take advantage! Is awesome.


  1. For the vinaigrette, I have used a little honey and nutmeg but from here the limit is your imagination, you can do it with any dried fruit, berries or whatever you can think of.
  2. If you do not have a mix of tempura flours, we can use normal flour, the only thing to achieve a more crisp effect we will use sparkling water and since the wheat flour is thicker, we will add a little less water.
  3. To get a well-made tempura, it will be very important to have very cold water and oil at its point (160ºC). If we do not have a fryer with which to control the temperature, there is a very easy way to find the temperature point. If when we add the vegetables we notice that they drop to the bottom of the pan and take time to rise to the surface or do not rise directly, the oil is cold. If, on the contrary, when we throw them, they float on the surface immediately, the oil will be very hot. The exact point will be when when pouring the vegetables, they lower slightly downwards and then quickly rise to the surface.
  4. Take the opportunity to show off with this salad, since it is very complete, and you can surprise your guests, you have to realize that we are playing with new concepts such as tempura and a very special Romesco sauce.

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