Warm mushroom and goat cheese salad
Salad and vegetable recipes

Warm mushroom and goat cheese salad

Warm mushroom and goat cheese salad


  • Easy
  • 35 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.4 € / person

Today’s salad is with goat cheese. An idea of ​​a Santander restaurant, a complete salad, full of delicious ingredients and above all, delicious.

Salad preparation

  1. We wash the lettuce and other vegetables and drain well. Although these salads are usually sold already washed in plastic bags, I recommend, however, to wash them again in water before preparing it. Place them on a large plate, in this individual case.
  2. We cook the eggs. We cover them with cold water and cook 10 minutes from the boil. We should not cook them any longer since a dark greenish halo forms around the yolk that is unpleasant to the eye, with these indications they must be perfect. Chill, peel, fillet and reserve for the last step.
  3. Caramelize the nuts. We put the tablespoons of sugar, honey and water in a saucepan. When they begin to take color, add the peeled walnuts and let them caramelize over low heat for 5-10 min. When they are ready we place them carefully and separately on a vegetable paper and let cool. It is very important not to get burned when picking the nuts from the saucepan, it is very easy.
  4. We wash the mushrooms well and in a frying pan add a few drops of olive oil. Sauté the mushrooms until they no longer release water and add a little salt. Round and round, as in the typical grilling process.
  5. We prepare a vinaigrette with 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. We put some cheese breadcrumbs on top and brown in a pan over medium-high heat, with a drop of oil.
  7. We assemble the salad with the above ingredients, the salad leaves at the bottom of the plate, the diced crab sticks, the filleted egg, the grilled mushrooms, add the soft vinaigrette and on top the cheese and caramelized nuts! And enjoy !

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