Vegetable curry with rice
Recipes Rice Salad and vegetable recipes

Vegetable curry with rice

Vegetable curry with rice


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 2.8 € / person
  • 268kcal per 100g.

How to make a vegetable curry .

If at home we start preparing this recipe, curry vegetables with rice , more than one we feel like on holidays.

By now we surely all know what curry is . The word comes from the word “kari”, which became curry in its English adaptation.

Although we usually call many dishes that carry it, it is actually a mixture of spices of Indian origin.

Depending on the area, region or caste, curry will have a variable composition, but most likely we can always find turmeric, cardamom, cloves or coriander in it.

Like everything in life, curries will have its detractors and arduous defenders, among which I include myself. I believe that this mixture of spices can bring a whole range of flavors and smells to a dish, making it a delight for the senses.

This vegetable curry is simple and very tasty, and we present it accompanied by a jasmine rice that will complete, even more, the whole set of aromas and flavors of this recipe.

In this recipe we have relied on Thai Sundari rice that does not always give such a good result.

Vegetable curry preparation

  1. In a saucepan we start by heating a drizzle of olive oil. When ready, add the julienned chives, the chopped garlic, a pinch of grated ginger and the curry.
  2. We fry for about 7 or 8 minutes.
  3. Add the diced tomatoes and continue the sofrito for 10 more minutes.
  4. We must stir the vegetable from time to time to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the casserole.
  5. We cover with coconut milk and water and incorporate the salt. Let these vegetables cook for 15 minutes over medium / low heat and reserve.
  6. Cut the eggplant and zucchini into 1-2 cm cubes. and the green pepper in thin strips.
  7. We heat ½ tbsp. of olive oil in a frying pan and we are sautéing the vegetables.
  8. We carry out this process in several batches, so it may be necessary to add a little more oil each time.
  9. When the vegetables are ready, we add them to the casserole of the coconut milk and curry stew and reserve.

Preparation of thai jasmine rice. Accompaniment

  1. We wash the rice to remove part of its starch. We rinse it abundantly until clean water comes out. Drain and reserve.
  2. In a frying pan, without oil, toast the spices, fennel, coriander seeds and cumin seeds, for 1 or 2 minutes and reserve.
  3. In a saucepan, add the cold water, the washed rice and a pinch of salt.
  4. When the water begins to boil, cover the saucepan, put on low heat and cook, uncovered, for 11 minutes.
  5. Add the lime zest and toasted spices and add to the rice.

We serve the curried vegetables accompanied by this aromatic jasmine Thai rice in such a way that it absorbs part of its sauce.

If you still do not have it clear, I leave you a step by step in photos of this recipe for this vegetable curry with rice . Do not miss any detail and it will be perfect.

Tips for a yummy vegetable curry

  • We can use vegetables that are in season or those that we like the most, multiple possibilities are admitted in addition to aubergines, zucchini and pepper.
  • Any vegetable can be perfect to accompany with a curry sauce, asparagus, mushrooms or carrots, they can be options to consider.
  • It is a dish with rice perfect for the whole year, nutritionally complete, light and delicious.
  • An oriental luxury that we can prepare at home in a simple and uncomplicated way.

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