Prawns stuffed peppers
Fish and seafood recipes

Prawns stuffed peppers

Prawns stuffed peppers


  • Half
  • 60 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 3 / person
  • 290kcal per 100g.

How to make stuffed piquillo peppers . A perfect fish recipe for this Christmas , a dish that everyone will love at home and that can be made in advance.

The stuffed peppers succeed in the blog in almost all versions. In each house they are prepared in a way, but if you want to turn these simple peppers into a delicatessen you can fill them with seafood.

In this case I have opted for some cheap prawns that I found on offer in the supermarket. Although the filling can be with lobster, sea ox, Norway lobster … whatever your economy allows.

The peppers were not introduced in Spain until, from the hand of Christopher Columbus, they arrived from the American continent. On that continent, it is a silver originating in Mexico, but there were also plants in South Asia.

Over the centuries, different varieties have been developed and one of those that we consider native to our country is that of piquillo peppers. This variety of peppers are typical of the city of Lodosa, in Navarra, where they are harvested and protected under designation of origin.

In the rest of the country, the easiest thing is that we can find these canned peppers, after a process of roasting and removing their skin. One of the characteristics of this type of peppers is that they have firm meat that makes them perfect for dishes like the one we have prepared today, some piquillo peppers stuffed with prawns.

It is a very simple preparation with which we can have a first class dish for any occasion. We only have to prepare a sofrito that we will combine with a bechamel sauce , and without further filling our peppers accompanied by a sauce .

The filling options are endless, black pudding peppers , the classic peppers stuffed with meat or the famous ones with cod , almost anything we have at home, will help us get a plate of stuffed peppers worthy of the best table.

Preparation of the filling of our peppers

  1. We wash and remove the outer leaves of the leek. We cut it into small cubes and add it to a pan with a splash of olive oil. We fry the leek, at medium temperature to avoid roasting, for about 15 minutes, until we see that it is transparent.
  2. Peel the prawns, remove the casing along the loin and cut them into cubes.
  3. When the leek is ready add the chopped prawns and continue cooking for about 3 minutes. Remove the sauce from the pan and reserve.
  4. Add to the same frying pan that we used the butter and, when it is melted and hot, add the flour. With some rods we remove the flour in the pan and leave a few minutes for the flour to cook.
  5. Incorporate the milk, having previously heated it, little by little, without stopping to stir to get it to integrate with the flour and create no lumps.
  6. Once we have all the milk incorporated, and without stopping stirring, we cook the sauce over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
  7. We add the leek and prawn sofrito that we have reserved and incorporate it with the bechamel sauce.
  8. Season with salt and pepper until it has cooled.

Preparation of the sauce and filling of the peppers

  1. While the stuffing of the peppers cools we begin to prepare the sauce. In a frying pan, heat a splash of olive oil. Add the diced onion and sauté until well poached.
  2. When the onion is ready add the chopped peppers and continue cooking for 3 or 4 minutes.
  3. Add the cream and let the sauce cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
  4. Season with salt and pepper and mix the mixture into a glass to grind it with the mixer or a food processor. We reserved the sauce.
  5. We preheat the oven to 180º C.
  6. Fill the piquillo peppers with the filling that we will already have cold. We are placing them on a tray suitable for the oven.
  7. With the previously hot oven we bake the peppers. We will place them in the oven tray in the middle, with temperature above and below with air. With about 5 minutes it would be enough to serve them hot.
  8. We can present the peppers in a platter watered with the piquillo sauce or directly in individual dishes with part of the sauce.

It is a recipe as tasty as it is easy to prepare. Perfect for a dinner with guests or just to give us a tribute, a whole yummy recipe.

If you still do not have it clear, I leave you a step by step in photos of this recipe for peppers stuffed with prawns . Do not miss any detail and they will be perfect.

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