Mango cake with oven
Desserts and sweets

Mango cake with oven

Mango cake with oven


  • Half
  • 50 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • € 2 / person
  • 320kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a mango tart. This weekend I had guests at home and I have delighted them with an experiment, which by the way has turned out great.

I was a little scared because as you already know in dessert recipes in general, the exact quantities and measurements make the cake or the cake come out or not. Many times for not following the steps of the recipe, it can end up being something totally what you thought. Luckily this time it was not the case.

The people who have tried it are very critical and have asked me to repeat it, so with this I am satisfied. Also for several of you it has already become one of their favorite cakes, Sonia among them, a Facebook follower, who has already premiered with this cake. He has taken her to the office and it has been a success.

This is one of those tarts in which we combine the classic cheesecake with a combination of fruit. We incorporate the chosen fruit in the cream itself, reaching the flavor of the cookie and with a cover with more fruit.

The flavor of this dessert is exotic, refreshing and very original. The contrast is perfect, as in the kiwi pancake or the strawberry tart that we have on the blog. A very simple recipe that will surely succeed in any dinner or lunch with friends.

Sonia prepared the cake with some mangoes from her land (sooo rich), in her land they differentiate between the mango (tastier, smaller and with a lot of thread) and the sleeve (quite old and without thread, it is appreciated to eat it).

The trick of the cake is precisely the quality of its main ingredient,  mango . They must not be green or the cake will taste like nothing. The best thing is that you buy them very ripe and you will see when peeling the fruit that only its aroma already feeds. A cake with a combination of flavors of this exquisite fruit, the mango, the soft touch of the cream and the crispness of the cookie.

Tips for peeling mangoes

Before starting the recipe, I recommend a video with a simple trick to peel and cut the mango easily. Without crushing the pulp and releasing excessive juice.

Preparation of the base of the mango cake

  1. Melt the butter (use the microwave, it is faster, on low temperature about 2 minutes). With the mincer we crush the cookies.
  2. If you did not have, in a kitchen cloth we throw the 25 cookies and wrap them and then crush them with a tablespoon, fork or something heavy, it does not look as fine but it serves the same. Add the melted butter on top.
  3. We take the butter and cookies mixture. We distribute it on the base of a large removable mold. In this case it was 18 cm, with the 22 cm it is also valid, but it fits you finer.
  4. Press against the bottom with the help of a spoon or with your fingers and put in the oven for 5 minutes to harden. We remove the mold and let cool to fill with the mango cream.

Preparation of the filling of the mango cake

  1. We peel the mangoes and cut into small pieces. In a saucepan, pour the pieces of fruit and cook over medium heat for 8-10 minutes. We crush everything with the mixer until we have a fine fruit puree. This step is important so that part of the water in the fruit evaporates so that the cake does not spoil us.
  2. We set aside 2 tablespoons of the puree in a glass (about 150 g. To be more exact) for the last step of the cake, the rest is for the cream filling.
  3. We put the cream to heat in a saucepan over medium heat. When it is hot (without boiling, just hot) we add the mango puree. We leave over low heat to bring everything together helping us with a wooden spoon or some rods.
  4. In a bowl we put the eggs and sugar (4 tablespoons, the rest is for the cover). Beat until smooth, creamy and not too frothy.
  5. We turn off the heat and set the mixture aside. Add the egg and sugar mixture, stir well without beating and let stand off the heat.
  6. The next step is to pour on the base of cookies all the mixture that we have reserved.
  7. We introduce it in the oven preheated to 190º C between 30 and 40 minutes. As I mentioned in some other recipe, it all depends on the oven, always look with a fork that stays dry.
  8. We remove from the oven and let cool in the fridge for a few hours.

Preparation of the mango cover. Final assembly

  1. The most complicated step of the cover is gelatin, especially for people who do it for the first time, then they have no science. I explain to you in an easy way how to do it.
  2. We empty the contents of the neutral gelatin sachets into a bowl that is dry. Of the 200 ml of cold water that the recipe contains (approximately one glass), we separate half and add it to the neutral gelatin. We remove with a fork or a few rods so that it joins with the water and helps to hydrate the gelatin.
  3. We put the rest of the water in a saucepan over the fire until it boils (or directly to the micro for 2 minutes). Remove from the heat and pour the hot water into the container where the gelatin had been left. We remove or beat until its complete dissolution.
  4. In another bowl we pour the 2 tablespoons of mango puree that we had left (150 g. Of mango puree, step 2 of the previous section) and the remaining sugar (2 tablespoons), the 2 tablespoons of cream cheese and the gelatin that we have reserved.
  5. We lightly beat all the mixture so that it is homogeneous and without any lump. We remove the container with the rest of the cake and add this cream. We return to the fridge for about 2-3 hours.
  6. If we want it to have a pastry finish, you only have to prepare a light syrup with water and sugar. With the help of a brush we give it a layer of shine with this syrup and let it cool for a few minutes in the fridge. Although this step is optional.
  7. We let it cool and remove from the mold.

Be sure to enjoy all the yummy sweets in our dessert recipes.  You can see all the photos of the step by step in the next album .

Tips for a yummy mango tart

  • I assure you that the finish is that of a professional cake of any pastry but with the touch of homemade flavor that each one gives it.
  • I think you can accept variations with other fruits, although I don’t know how it will turn out because of the water, since many fruits have a lot of liquid.

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