Sweet potato and cinnamon cake
Desserts and sweets

Sweet potato and cinnamon cake

Sweet potato and cinnamon cake


  • Easy
  • 180 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.6 € / person
  • 243kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a sweet potato and cinnamon cake.  We love to take advantage of seasonal products and, therefore, when sweet potatoes arrive on the market we are encouraged to buy them. And to prepare recipes with them like today, like this sweet potato and cinnamon cake .

On previous occasions we have prepared panellets of almonds , the traditional homemade panellets of pine nuts and fogassa for All Saints . Three sweet recipes that you probably already have on file if you are sweet potato lovers, in which case you will appreciate one more.

The sweet potato or yam is a tuber that comes from America, known by the name of yams . Where its consumption is widespread both for use in the kitchen and in confectionery. In Spain we are more fond of using it in desserts or cakes, perhaps because of the sweet flavor that this root has, although it is a fabulous ingredient for those spoon dishes that are so popular at this time of year.

It does not need much elaboration to become an exquisite snack. Simply roasted in the oven and sprinkled with a little sugar is vice, although if we want to move around in the kitchen, we have time and we want to vary, because then we can try this sweet potato and cinnamon cake, in which the latter is completely optional .

Let’s take the opportunity to do so now that we have not yet fully entered the whirlpool of Christmas and before we are invaded by its traditional sweets. Although we can also include it in the desserts of these parties, nothing prevents us.

Preparation of the sweet potato and cinnamon puree. Cake base

  1. We start by making a puree with the sweet potato from which we use only the amount indicated above, that is, 400 grams. What we can over use it in other elaborations such as biscuits, creams, etc.
  2. We wash the sweet potato and place it in a deep saucepan, cover it with water and cook it until it is soft inside. We drain it and let it cool before removing the skin.
  3. When the bonito is peeled, mash it with a fork. If it is cooked enough and soft enough, this is done easily and is effortless.
  4. We can, if we prefer, crush it with a hand mixer to give it a smoother consistency. It is not necessary, but the texture of the cake is more homogeneous and creamy. This goes in tastes.
  5. Weigh the sweet potato puree to obtain the necessary 400 grams and reserve it.
  6. Mix the eggs with the sugar, then with the milk and finally with the flour.
  7. We incorporate the sweet potato puree that we have reserved and crush with a hand mixer, or we beat with some metal rods, until obtaining a homogeneous mass.
  8. We pass the mixture to the chosen mold that we will have previously greased with a little vegetable oil.
  9. Here we can do two things, use a single round or rectangular pan, and then slice the cake. Or use individual molds, like flannels, to serve the cake in a personalized way.
  10. In addition to being more beautiful, this second option allows you to reduce oven time and electricity consumption.

Baking and final presentation of sweet potato and cinnamon cake

  1. Once the mold of our choice is filled, we drop it gently on the counter a couple of times to get rid of any air bubbles that may have formed. This way we avoid having holes in the cake once it is baked.
  2. We put the cake in the oven, pre-heated to 180ºC. We cook it for 30 minutes, in case of using individual molds, or 50 minutes if we choose a single mold.
  3. We remove the cake from the oven and let it cool. It is a very fragile cake, so it is best to let it acquire body and consistency for a few hours before unmolding it.
  4. The best place for this to happen is in the fridge, covered with plastic wrap, aluminum foil or put in a plastic bag so that it does not catch odors from other foods.
  5. The final touch of this cake is given with a cinnamon glaze that is very simple to prepare and only requires the mixture of its three ingredients: icing sugar, ground cinnamon and water.
  6. With metal rods or a fork, beat until all possible lumps disappear and ready to use. In case you are not very fond of cinnamon, ignore this step and go directly to enjoy the cake, which is also very good.

Curiosities, tips and recommendations for a yummy sweet potato and cinnamon cake

  • You may wonder if the sweet potato is the same as the sweet potato and the answer is yes. So we could also call this cake sweet potato and cinnamon cake.
  • This tuber, cousin of the potato but sweet. It arrives in our markets in the fall so we recommend that you do not miss the opportunity to make this sweet potato and cinnamon cake now that it is easy and cheap to find it.
  • It is an original cake that is halfway between a flan and a sponge cake . The flour gives it a curious and interesting texture and makes it a strong sweet that fills a lot. So it is advisable to be cautious when serving a portion, especially if we take it as a dessert.
  • You can accompany the sweet potato cake with the cinnamon glaze. Reduce the amount of cinnamon that we indicate a little to soften the flavor or do without it completely.
  • You can also accompany it with a little sugary cream cheese, a tablespoon of mascarpone, whipped cream, etc. There your sweet tooth and personal tastes come into play. Be that as it may, we encourage you to do it, it is delicious.
  • Be sure to enjoy all the desserts that we offer you for Christmas and that we have in our dessert recipes   and in the special Christmas recipes You can see all the photos of the step by step in this sweet potato and cinnamon cake recipe album .

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