Gañotes de Ubrique. Easter dessert
Desserts and sweets

Gañotes de Ubrique. Easter dessert

Gañotes de Ubrique. Easter dessert


  • Easy
  • 155 minutes
  • For 10 people
  • 0.45 € / person
  • 302kcal per 100g.

How to make gnotes from Ubrique .

I already told you on other occasions how very interesting and extensive the recipe book of traditional desserts of the peoples of Spain seems to me .

In each area or region typical and different recipes are prepared according to the time of year. Easter and Lent  are times when special dishes are always prepared.

You will find vigil stews,  Malaga borrachuelos , cod with chickpeas,  milk torrijas , the Valencian Panquemado , the Easter cakes , the  pestiños with honey , the donuts , the sweet fritters and the traditional cod ones    

The list is very extensive and without waste. Today I am going to add one more recipe:  the gañotes from Ubrique, Gajorros in Cabra (Cordoba) and in Estepa, Easter corkscrews .

In the Sierra de Grazalema area, in the province of Cádiz, they prepare a very particular sweet in Lent and Easter, a kind of very aromatic donuts in the shape of a spiral, they are the Gañotes .

In all the towns in the area, families gather to prepare a good amount of gnotes that last the entire holiday. The preparation of this sweet is so important and deeply rooted in customs.

To tell you that in Ubrique they have been celebrating for a number of years a gañotes contest , where attendees can try and then assess the ones that appear.

The gañotes of Ubrique are made from flour, eggs, olive oil, cinnamon, lemon zest and sesame seeds. It is traditionally prepared by rolling strips of dough into reeds that are fried in plenty of oil and then removed.

Despite its simple and rough appearance, they have an intense and aromatic flavor that will surely not disappoint you. You will tell me.

Preparation of the Gañotes dough

  1. We wash the orange and lemon very well. Grate without reaching the white part and reserve.
  2. In a bowl mix the eggs, the sugar, the lemon and orange zest and the 3 egg shells filled with oil. We mix everything very well.
  3. Add the cinnamon, the matalaúva and the sesame and stir to mix. We throw the flour and with the help of a wooden spoon, we are integrating the ingredients.
  4. Pour the dough on the counter and begin to knead until we form a compact ball that does not stick to our hands.
  5. We take small portions of dough and form long strips making it rotate on the counter.
  6. We roll each of the strips of dough that we have prepared in the reeds or sticks.

Frying and presentation of the Gañotes de Ubrique

  1. We put a frying pan on the fire with plenty of soft olive oil to fry, with a strip of the peel of a lemon.
  2. When the strip begins to toast we remove it and add our spirals of dough with a stick included.
  3. We have to keep an eye on the temperature of the fire to prevent the gnaotes from burning us and making them fry inside.
  4. We remove the gañotes to a tray with absorbent paper to remove the excess oil and when they are warm we remove the stick.
  5. And finally, in some areas they are usually dipped in honey. I explain how it is done in case you like it more that way. We prepare the enmelado by heating the honey with about 1/4 of its volume of water.
  6. When it is hot and well integrated, we submerge the gañotes one by one and remove them to a rack. We let the excess honey drain and dry.
  7. What will I say! They are yummy. Dessert of all life that everyone likes and very entertaining.

You will tell me if you prepare it and if any from Ubrique or Cádiz. If you want to add any advice to the recipe, I will be happy to read your recommendations.

If you like this recipe, be sure to visit our special desserts and sweets for Easter and Easter .

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