Cream of mushroom soup
Recipes Salad and vegetable Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Cream of mushroom soup

Cream of mushroom soup


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 2.1 € / person
  • 59kcal per 100g.

How to make a mushroom cream . The creams , the purees and soups , are the most used resource at home to take vegetables easily and rich.

Even the little lovers of vegetables will give in to a light and tasty cream. Today I bring you a new recipe for the collection, mushroom cream .

This recipe is within the group of the easiest to prepare, a simple initial frying of ingredients and a cooking, better than better if it is with a rich vegetable broth, and we will have as a result a wonderful light, healthy and very tasty mushroom cream .

Although I have enriched the cream with two cheeses, these are expendable. The cheese will provide a certain creamy texture to the final result, but those who are intolerant or allergic to lactose may suppress this ingredient without damaging its flavor or even use a dairy product without lactose as a substitute.

Although it may seem a somewhat ugly dish, that’s why its brown color, as well as unappetizing, in my opinion it is a more than interesting option for our daily menus.

Flavor, more or less thick texture, and aromas, come together in this perfect spoon dish for any time of the year.

As a final colophon we can decorate and complement the dish with some croutons, some diced ham passed through the frying pan, some chives blades or even some slices of the golden mushrooms themselves in the frying pan.

Any of these options, are perfect to crown as it deserves this delicious cream of mushrooms.

Preparation of the mushroom cream

  1. We have chosen mushrooms of the Portobello type, for their flavor, so we will have a more powerful cream. Although the appearance, its color is not the best. If you want a more attractive cream, but with less flavor, use white mushrooms.
  2. To clean the mushrooms we can do several things. If they are not excessively stained with dirt, brushing them would be enough to leave them clean.
  3. Another option would be to wash them under the tap. This would fill some water, which we are not interested in when cooking them, but in cases where the mushrooms are heavily stained, it is the safest option.
  4. As a last alternative, which is what I have done, we can peel them. When removing the outer skin, we remove with it the remains of earth.
  5. Once we have the mushrooms clean, we cut them into cubes not too small.
  6. In a frying pan, heat a splash of olive oil. Add the chopped mushrooms and cook until golden brown. We reserve them.
  7. In a saucepan, fry with a drizzle of olive oil, the leek counted into cubes. Once the leek is soft, add the thyme, pepper and salt.
  8. Add the mushrooms that we have reserved and let them cook with the rest of the ingredients for 5 more minutes.
  9. Add the vegetable stock and let the vegetables cook for 30 minutes. Once cooked, add the cheeses and crush the mixture with a mixer or a Chinese.

We serve the cream of mushrooms alone or accompanied by croutons, ham, a splash of cream …, always very hot.

Here you have a step by step in photos where I show how to prepare this recipe for mushroom cream . Do not miss any detail so that it comes out perfect.

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