Showing 171 Result(s)
Chicken saltimbocca. Italian recipe
Meat and poultry recipes

Chicken saltimbocca. Italian recipe

Info. Easy 20 minutes For 4 people € 1.5 / person Saltimbocca is one of the classic dishes of Italian cuisine, saltimbocca alla romana , which are part of those ricettes della nonna , grandmother’s recipes that are prepared like a lifetime. The original recipe is based on veal meat but today we have prepared …

Frikadelas or Frikadellen. Danish burgers
Meat and poultry recipes

Frikadelas or Frikadellen. Danish burgers

Info. Half 90 minutes For 10 people 0.8 € / person Several years ago I surprised you with a Danish recipe that my friend Christian gave me, Danish frikadelas . But until a month ago I didn’t try the famous Danish burgers made by his mother Consuelo, I tell you they were impressive. Today’s recipe …

Beef with honey
Meat and poultry recipes

Beef with honey

Info. Easy 70 minutes For 4 people € 4 / person Another recipe that leaves fragrance in our homes,  beef with honey. This dish, like almost all stews , requires time for the meat to be tender but this does not mean that it is a complicated preparation, on the contrary, it is about incorporating …

Vitello Tonnato. Italian flavored meat
Meat and poultry recipes

Vitello Tonnato. Italian flavored meat

Info. Easy 45 minutes For 4 people € 4 / person The recipe that I bring you today is a classic in Italian gastronomy, the vitello tonnato , which literally translated from Italian comes to mean tuna calf . A priori the mixture of tuna with beef sounds a bit strange, the truth is that …

Liver with onions
Meat and poultry recipes

Liver with onions

Info. Easy 60 minutes For 4 people € 1.9 / person What do you not like the shell? That must be remedied! My grandmother Lucrecia’s recipe will remove any negative thoughts from your mind. Here is the best way to prepare liver with onions . Since I was little, I have had this dish and …

Old clothing, shredded or shredded meat
Meat and poultry recipes

Old clothing, shredded or shredded meat

Info. Easy 35 minutes For 4 people 2.8 € / person This recipe is very popular in several countries in the Central American area, such as Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica or Panama . The name it receives, means that it is shredded, shredded meat , which is cooked accompanied by many ingredients and condiments typical …

Stroganoff beef
Meat and poultry recipes

Stroganoff beef

Info. Easy 30 minutes For 4 people € 2 / person We can call this recipe ” From Russia with love “, like the well-known James Bond movie. It is a dish of Russian origin, delicious, and that has personally conquered me. A preparation that almost everyone knows the name, but then few know how …

Mustard chicken
Meat and poultry recipes

Mustard chicken

Info. Very easy 40 minutes For 4 people 1.7 € / person Today’s recipe is very easy, ideal to prepare on a special occasion without complicating our lives. It’s about cooking a few simple chicken breasts with a very special sauce, a mustard sauce . There are many recipes for this type of sauce, but …

Grilled steak with potatoes
Meat and poultry recipes

Grilled steak with potatoes

Info. Easy 40 minutes For 4 people 7.5 € / person There is very little for  Christmas  and in my head ideas for dinners and meals at the end of the year are already boiling. It is not always necessary to complicate life on these occasions, there are many recipes that are very simple and …