What are the vegetables that we recommend this Autumn?
As I have already told you on occasion, eating seasonal food is key to your diet and your pocket.
Currently we can find in the super of almost all the year, but what are really the foods that we should eat in each season of the year?
For you to start or continue eating yummy, I tell you all the vegetables that enjoy their maximum splendor in Autumn so that you also enjoy your maximum splendor. Take note!

Consuming vegetables and vegetables in season will make us take full advantage of their nutrients and minerals in addition to the texture, flavor and appearance they have when they are in full swing.
Especially in Autumn, a season known for being the season of colds, taking these seasonal products will avoid you falling into most of them (if not all) by consuming all the vitamins necessary to combat this cold that comes suddenly.
In addition to these advantages, you should know that the vegetables you eat in the fall have respected their natural cycle without using anything to alter their growth rate.
And if all this seems too little to you, being in season its price is always more competitive than that of vegetables that are not in season.
It’s all good news!

The top vegetables of the fall
If I love Autumn for something, in addition to its sunsets and the petrichor, it is undoubtedly because it is a season of cogumelos (mushrooms) . They are the star of Autumn. Their contribution of minerals and their very low calories make them the base of every autumn dish, in stews, scrambled, in whatever you want.
Like the pumpkin, which far beyond Halloween or Samain enjoys its moment of glory in these months.
Almost at the end of the Summer season and beginning of the Autumn season, the red pepper and the eggplant are the best in the field. The cauliflower friend who, since she was little, did not have a very good press and that we now adore, also enjoys her autumn virtues.
The pumpkin could be said to be the queen of Autumn, so famous thanks to Halloween, it gives us a lot of gastronomic possibilities that are delicious. Of course you can enjoy them on our blog, ideas a gogó to succeed at your table.
I am going to tell you what you can do with all of them during these months when staying at home and cooking is so much in the mood.

- Go out for mushrooms , and find them! This is what happens in the fall. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins C, B and D and minerals such as potassium, in addition to containing a lot of water and fiber.
- If you like stews, you can prepare some meatballs with mushrooms , a f ricandó , a rabbit with mushrooms or some chickpeas with monkfish and mushrooms.
- If you love croquettes , you will know that mushrooms are a delicacy and in the case of risotto the same thing happens. That texture that is achieved thanks to a good broth and good mushrooms, has no name.

The pumpkin
- If they give you pumpkins, I hope it is in the fall, when they are the richest . Who doesn’t fancy pumpkin cream these days? Mmmmm. It is rich in vitamins C, A and E and helps our defenses to fight colds , as I told you above.
- Its beta-carotenes and fiber make it very light in any recipe and it also has a very low calorie index, almost 25 per 100 grams, that is, very little.
- If the sweet treats you, the pumpkin is your ally. Its sweetness makes it perfect for desserts like pumpkin cake or muffins .
- If you are more salty than anything else, some partridges with pumpkin and apple will delight you. They will give you pumpkins, but you will eat partridges …
- And those of you who are a fan of rice, of course the pumpkin version of risotto will also love it, with cheese or without cheese .

- I do not know if you have noticed that lately with carrots it happens as with tomatoes, it is very difficult for them to really taste like carrots. The problem may be that we are eating them when they are not playing. Its season is autumn.
- They are rich in water, vitamins A and B, minerals and good hydrates . They have potassium, magnesium and calcium , and their orange color is due to carotenes (which also act on the body’s melanin).
- The carrot season starts in May and ends in January, so start preparing carrot creams , a meat stew with carrots and potatoes or a vegetable soup . If you put pumpkin and carrot you will be making full.
- Like pumpkin, carrot is perfect for desserts like carrot cake or apple and carrot strudel , which is delightful.

- All year waiting for you. How I like artichokes, I wish they were good all year, but no. In fact, artichokes are not so easy to find out of season.
- They are friends of the detox and detox diets in general , in addition to helping cholesterol and fighting constipation due to its high fiber content.
- You can take them battered in sauce , fried and crispy , in rice with Valencian-style ribs , pickled, with bechamel , with prawns , with ham and hard-boiled egg and whatever you can think of.
- Either way, eat artichokes, all you can and enjoy its benefits and flavor.

Sweet potato
- The potato became fashionable a few years now , the sweet potato, the tuber sweet flavor that can make chips now also Hipsters is very rich in vitamins and carbohydrates.
- It is forceful and will give your wines a sweet and thick touch that you cannot miss.
- From the classic baked sweet potato to our star desserts with this tuber, a sweet potato and cinnamon cake or fritters that leave you speechless. Try it at home and tell me how it is.
- You can also cook it in the oven, such as potatoes or chips with rosemary and double frying.

Thistle, celery and leek
- They are a top three of the fundamental autumn. Celery for its high content of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and antibacterial and purifying properties.
- And the cigar and thistle for their high content of vitamin C, iron and calcium .
- These three will be your perfect allies in any broth. They will give it solidity, body and substance.
- You can make thistles in sauce or vichyssoise to open the season.

Collard, cauliflower and broccoli
- These three sisters of the cruciferous family live in the fall like Pedro around their house, until the end of winter. Its benefits are quite a few.
- From its high content of vitamin A and C to the low amount of fat (almost nil) and its richness in potassium and magnesium.
- When we were little we all hated them and there are palates that still do not support its smell or its texture, but I like them more and more and luckily we can find it in many recipes such as baked cauliflowers , cauliflower pizza (all an invention that you must try ) or a Portuguese green broth with turnip greens or collards.

Eggplant, red pepper and zucchini
- Does anyone feel like a roast? These three foods are perfect for such a fall recipe. Together they make a perfect mix & match of vitamins and nutrients.
- Eggplant stands out for helping cholesterol and purifying the body. Red bell pepper contains vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and antioxidants , and zucchini has a little of both: high doses of antioxidants that in turn help lower cholesterol.
What more can you ask of life?
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