Xixona nougat and chestnut custard
Desserts and sweets Recipes Recipes for special occasions

Xixona nougat and chestnut custard

Xixona nougat and chestnut custard


  • Easy
  • 15 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • € 1.55 / person

As usual on these dates, I bring you a very interesting proposal with chestnuts so that you do not have to work a lot on Christmas day. You can prepare these custard a few days before and surprise your guests with a really delicious dessert.

For those who do not dare because you think it is a difficult dessert, do not worry because it is very simple, the base is the same as  the classic custard that you can find on the blog or in the book Deschupete deschupete.

Once the technique is mastered you can give it your touch, in this case we do it with a great combination: chestnut cream and Xixona nougat . You will become fans of this dessert, I assure you.

You can prepare the chestnut cream or choose a great variety that you will find in supermarkets, online stores and department stores. In the case of nougat I used a private label, it does not need to be of high quality because we are going to crush and mix it.

As a final point, we have accompanied this custard with a bonbon with the whole soul of the Galician forest, the brown glacé, a chestnut boiled in water, soft and whole passed by various syrups, vanilla and wrapped in a thin layer of crispy sugar that breaks into your mouth.

Its origin is French, although today Galicia is a great export power. Cuevas has opted for the Japanese market where this sweet is a great delicatessen, if you have not tried it you are already taking. This dessert will be one of those that will ask you for the recipe, to enjoy.

Step-by-step preparation of nougat and chestnut custard

  1. The first thing is to prepare the ingredients with which we are going to flavor the milk. We wash the lemon very well and peel its skin in a fine way, without much white that then makes the dessert bitter.
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat almost to the boiling point. We lower the temperature and remove from the heat, add the lemon peel and finally the cinnamon stick cut in half. We leave everything to rest infusing for 10 minutes.
  3. We cut the nougat into small pieces to mix with the warm milk. Add to the casserole and put it together without leaving lumps, if necessary we pass the minipimer or mixer.
  4. We separate the yolks from the whites. We put the yolks in a bowl and beat with the sugar until it foams. Add the chestnut cream and beat again until there are no lumps, there must be a homogeneous mass.
  5. We combine the milk and nougat mixture with the yolks and chestnuts. We heat the cream to a half boil and we are moving with some rods or a wooden spoon without stopping until it thickens, it should not boil at any time, the texture of the custard should be slightly thick and without lumps. It is very important not to stop stirring as it can get burned or stick to the casserole, the secret as in almost all recipes is to be patient and do not always stop stirring on the same side until there is a homogeneous cream.
  6. We choose the containers where we are going to present the custard and pour them into the glasses, bowls or casseroles. I like that the texture of the dried fruit is noticeable but if you want it cream type without any stumbling block, when you pour it, pass it through a strainer to avoid lumps (a trick in case one has formed)
  7. Let cool to room temperature and then reserve in the fridge (to avoid crusting, cover with a transparent film). Once the custard is cold we just have to decorate it with a delicious Marron Glacé. And for those of you who are celiac, remember that this dessert is gluten-free, perfect for all audiences. To enjoy!

Do not stop enjoying all this Christmas cream that we have in our dessert recipes   and in the special Christmas recipes , I assure you that you will find a lot of ideas to make your people much happier.

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