Potato stew with cod
Fish and seafood Recipes Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Potato stew with cod

Potato stew with cod


  • Easy
  • 25 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 2 / person
  • 225kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a stew with cod

We are already in the reign of Doña Cuaresma, we let Don Carnal rest, who surely gave everything in this Carnival and we put on the Easter chip.

If we talk about a stew recipe these days, the waking stew will come to mind for sure, but although it is a successful recipe, today I present you a simpler, faster (less than half an hour) stew and full of flavor, the stew with cod.

Its flavor is very similar, but there is some subtlety that makes it different, it is a recipe for legumes with a base of chickpeas (which we have already bought cooked to make the dish in a short time), with spinach and we add the already desalted cod and a good fish broth to give that touch to the sea to our recipe.

I hope you like this express stew that I assure you has a lot of sea flavor and succeeds at home whenever I prepare it.

Before cooking. Preparation of the cod

  1. One of the important steps is the choice of chickpeas, you have them as a dried or already cooked legume and you can find various sizes.
  2. For this recipe we have chosen quality cooked chickpeas that will reduce cooking times and make this cooked very easy to prepare.
  3. We must wash the cooked chickpeas very well without any remaining gelatin surrounding the chickpea and we are going to add them at the end of cooking the stew. Just so that they are well impregnated with the flavor of the rest of the ingredients.
  4. I must admit that these types of chickpeas already cooked and packaged in a glass jar save a lot of time in the kitchen and are perfect for dishes such as a hummus or a salad .
  5. To save time in the preparation, I have also opted for a good quality desalted cod loin . We will ask the fishmonger to remove the skin, since in this dish we will only use the fleshy part of this fish. You can also buy it already crumbled.

Preparation of cod stew

  1. We are going to prepare the sofrito. Finely chop one of the garlic cloves and peel the other. Peel the onions and chop them into a small julienne.
  2. In a wide frying pan, pour extra virgin olive oil and fry the garlic over medium heat. As soon as it begins to “dance”, we see that it takes on a golden hue, we remove the whole garlic clove.
  3. Add the onion and continue frying. We salt to taste. When it is poached, turn off the heat and let the oil cool down a bit.
  4. Add a tablespoon of sweet paprika dessert and stir well so that it integrates perfectly with the sauce. We reserve.
  5. In a small saucepan we bring water to a boil. We cook the eggs, which we will then use at the end of the recipe. When they are cooked we will split in half and distribute one half per person.
  6. If you like it a lot, you can put one hard-boiled egg per person.

Stew cooking and final presentation

  1. We put the casserole over medium heat with the chickpeas and a fish broth (water in case you do not have it at home, it is also worth a vegetable broth or similar). When it begins to heat up, pour the sofrito and stir well.
  2. We now add spinach in several batches, which will shorten in size in a short time.
  3. We rectify with salt and leave to cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. We break the cod into pieces that we can then eat in one bite.
  5. Add to the casserole and move it “back and forth” (by the handles) so that all the ingredients are mixed. We go down to low heat.
  6. In 5 minutes our stew will be ready, but in the meantime we will prepare the final touch.

Presentation of cod stew

  1. In a frying pan with a little olive oil, fry the slice of bread (better if it is village bread). Round and round until golden and crisp.
  2. In a mortar we toss the crumbled fried bread and the garlic clove that we had reserved. Crush and make a crush.
  3. After 5 minutes from when we add the cod. We add the previous mash. With this trick we will give the broth consistency and a very rich flavor.
  4. We try salt, if necessary we rectify it.
  5. We peel the cooked and cold eggs, cut them in half. We add it to each dish just before serving on the table.
  6. We serve the stew very hot.

To enjoy this delicious spoon dish that feels great, even on days that are not so cold.

If you like this recipe, be sure to accompany it with something sweet, you can visit our special desserts and sweets for Easter and Easter .

Do not miss the step by step of this stew with cod in the next album. This will be perfect for you.

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