Pancakes stuffed with chicken
Bread, dough and batter recipes Meat and poultry Recipes

Pancakes stuffed with chicken

Pancakes stuffed with chicken


  • Half
  • 60 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 1.6 € / person

Do you want to surprise your guests on these dates? I recommend a recipe that will not leave you indifferent:  Crepes stuffed with chicken with Foie. Esperanza Serrano has sent me one of her star Christmas recipes that can help you prepare any of the Christmas lunches or dinners. In a little laborious but a recipe on these dates is well worth it.

I have already told you in some other recipe that pancakes are very similar to pancakes or vice versa.  The pancakes are native to the Brittany region of western France. In this French region we find two similar dishes: the crêpes made with white wheat and generally reserved for sweets and the galettes made with buckwheat or buckwheat reserved for salty fillings. The ones that Esperanza presents us are of the galettes type with a salty chicken filling and a gratin with bechamel that will delight anyone. You can fill them with meat, chicken with foie in this case, but they can also be made with fish. Imagination to power and I hope you like it.

Preparation of the pancakes

  1. The crêpe pasta-cream is quite easy to prepare. In a bowl, pour the milk, flour, a pinch of salt and the egg. Mix everything with the mixer without lumps. Let it rest for an hour so that it finishes thickening although the cream must be loose.
  2. In a hot pan (very important, it must be non-stick) sprinkle with a little butter, let it melt in the pan.
  3. When it is hot, add the cream so that it covers the entire bottom, only just enough, so that they are fine. We are turning the pan so that it is distributed throughout the bottom of the pan. Usually for a 22 cm deep frying pan I pour a ladle of cream.
  4. We have the pancake for 15-20 seconds at medium temperature and turn it over with a fork. We gild on both sides. If the fork is not good for you, you can use the trick of turning the pancake with a plate as if it were a potato omelette. As you get more practical, it will no longer be necessary. We reserve and then fill.

Preparation of the filling and the bechamel

  1. We put a splash of olive oil in a pan. Heat over medium heat and fry the breast fillets (3 minutes, round and round). We remove on top of kitchen paper to remove the excess oil.
  2. We chop into small pieces and chop them very fine in a mincer. We put the chicken hash in a container and add the foie mousse or if we want to spend a little more, foie gras. Mix everything with a spoon. Then we gradually add the chicken broth  and continue mixing so that it is juicy, but be careful that it is not very broth because we need a cream texture to be able to fill the pancakes.
  3. We let the cream of the chicken and the mousse of foie cool so that the crêpes do not dissolve. When the cold cream is done, put a little of the filling in each one and roll up as if they were cannelloni. We place in a baking dish.
  4. We prepare the béchamel as I have already explained in some other recipe and pour it over the crêpes. Sprinkle with grated cheese for gratin (I buy the 4 cheeses which is very good).
  5. We introduce to the oven 15 minutes at 180º and 5 minutes with the gratin set so that it browns.

There you have them, serve them warm. I assure you that it arrives for 6 people generously.

Note: You can substitute the chicken hash for cooked or serrano ham, turkey or pork.

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