Octopus a la sochantre. Galician recipe
Fish and seafood recipes

Octopus a la sochantre. Galician recipe

Octopus a la sochantre. Galician recipe


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 5 people
  • € 3 / person

How to prepare octopus a la Sochantre. You cannot say that it is a classic of Galician cuisine, but it is an old octopus recipe with a long history. It is true that the Galician octopus dish par excellence is the octopus à feira , which I already told you about on another occasion, but in Galicia there are also many others, in many cases typical of certain areas that, despite not being so well known outside of the Galician territory, they are highly valued and valuable.

Examples are recipes such as octopus mugardesa , typical of the town of Mugardos of the same name, octopus grilled or fried , broiled octopus , pie octopus , Galician octopus with potatoes , even octopus prepared in carpaccio … endless recipes to praise one of the king of Galicia’s products, the octopus .

The octopus a la sochantre is a recipe that, despite its great resemblance to the octopus to the Mugardesa , since both are prepared as a stew with vegetables, has its own history. His discovery is attributed to Manuel María Puga y Parga who, for those of you who do not know him well at first, I share with him his alias, Picadillo, representative of nineteenth and early twentieth century cuisine, author of La cocina practica, todo an essential manual for housewives of the time, former mayor of A Coruña and columnist in the newspaper El Noroeste. It seems that Picadillo, a close friend of the Sochantre de la Real and a distinguished Collegiate Church of A Coruña, discovered this recipe with his hand, so, logically, he called it octopus to the sochantre in his name.

It is an octopus stew with peppers of incredible flavor. A recipe that will delight anyone who likes octopus, also I assure you that it will be perfect with all the secrets to cook the octopus  and that it is cooked . I advise you to prepare only if you also have a bread roll, and it is that you are not going to forgive this sauce for leaving it on the plate, a delight I assure you, you will tell me.

Preparation of the octopus so lochantre

  1. The first thing we do is cook the octopus and for this we start by washing it thoroughly under the tap until clean water comes out. We remove the eyes, the viscera and the hard shell from the mouth.
  2. We put plenty of water in a saucepan and when it starts to boil we scare the octopus, that is, we introduce it and remove it from the boiling water 3 times. With this what we achieve is to avoid skinning in the cooking process as much as possible.
  3. Let the octopus cook for 20 minutes and let it rest in the same pot for 20 more minutes. We reserve.
  1. Prepare the sauce, cut the onion and the bell pepper into small cubes and peel and mash the garlic leaving them whole. We reserve.
  2. In a large saucepan add olive oil and as soon as it is hot add the chopped onion. Fry the onion for 5 minutes and add the peppers and the garlic flakes. Let the vegetables cook over medium-high heat for 15 minutes or until we see that they are soft but not toasted.
  3. While the onions and peppers are cooking we prepare the tomatoes. We can blanch them to facilitate the work of removing the skin or peel them finely with a knife. Once peeled, we chop them and reserve. To blanch them, you know, we immerse them for 1 or 2 minutes in boiling water and immediately remove them to a bowl with ice water, so the skin will come out very easily.
  4. When we see that the vegetables in the casserole begin to sauté, add the chopped tomatoes and a good bunch of washed and finely chopped parsley. Salt and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally to avoid burning.
  5. At this point we have two options, we can use the resulting sauce as it is, with the vegetables in pieces, or pass it through a Chinese or a mixer, which will give us a finer sauce and without chunks, to the taste of the consumer. In my case I have preferred to leave it as it is, I like to find the pieces of peppers and onion while I taste the dish.
  6. While the sauce is cooking, remove the octopus from the water and chop it.
  7. Once the vegetables are cooked, add the already cut octopus and leave 5 more minutes to integrate it into the sauce.

We already have another Galician on the blog, for me it is an honor. You will not have to go to my land to taste a delicious octopus stew a la sochantre . I hope you like the recipe and dare to prepare it.

Be sure to enjoy all the recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog, I assure you that you will find a lot of ideas to make yours much happier.

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