Fish and seafood Recipes Tapas and appetizers recipes

Mussels au gratin a la panadeira

Mussels au gratin a la panadeira


  • Easy
  • 90 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 1.4 € / person
  • 232kcal per 100g.

How to prepare some mussels au gratin . Here is a recipe for seafood with mussels that you can prepare any day of the year, mussels au gratin to the bakery. 

The vast majority of mussels that come to our tables come from aquaculture, which is why we can consume them at any time of the year. However, if you want to consume a good mussel, I recommend that you take a walk through the coastal area of ​​Galicia. There you will find, without a doubt, one of the best extraordinary rock mussels.

I do not know if it will be the smell of the sea, the morriña or simply that everything tastes better at home. In any case, surely if you try them you will give me the reason. Any recipe works well for this mollusk, it is also quite affordable seafood.

So you can use it to pay tribute to your tables with a low cost kitchen. At home we eat it a lot at family gatherings, even at Christmas . Dates where it is part of the star dishes that decorate the large table prepared by my mother.

If I still haven’t convinced you with my many recommendations for you to prepare the mussels for panadeira , here is a doctor’s recommendation, eat mussels to improve your iron levels!

And if you are still not convinced… go with your partner to Galicia. Enjoy a good vacation and take some good mussels. After this, you will surely dare to cook them at home. I start with this recipe, which you will surely love! 

Preparation of the mussels

  1. The first thing will be to select them, eliminating those that come broken or damaged. We wash them thoroughly under the tap water, removing the chins, algae remains and any dirt they bring.
  2. In a large pot pour a sheet of water, add the mussels and put on high heat for 3-4 minutes. At this time they will have been fully opened and ready.
  3. We remove them from the fire and reserve to cool and we can handle them. After a few minutes we are removing them from the casserole and placing them in a source without the upper shell. We reserve.

Preparation of the mussels au gratin

  1. Cut the onion, peppers and garlic cloves into very small cubes. We poach it in a frying pan with a generous stream of extra virgin olive oil. We also add the bay leaf to cook with the vegetables.
  2. Grate the tomatoes and reserve.
  3. When the ingredients are poached, add the bacon cut into very small cubes and sauté for 1 minute, or until golden.
  4. Add the paprika and saffron. We pour the white wine and stir well so that they integrate well with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Add the grated tomato when it slightly reduces the previous wine and sauté well. Then we add, little by little and on demand the sauce, spoonfuls of the liquid that we had reserved from the cooking of the mussels.
  6. Do not move the liquid much to prevent the soil released by the mussels from rising to the surface again and mixing with our sofrito. I have added 11 tablespoons. We let it cook over medium heat until the liquid is consumed, because this sauce should be rather dry. Add salt to taste.
  7. When it is ready, we add a tablespoon of sofrito on the mussels that we have prepared. I like that the shell is well filled and completely cover the mussel.
  8. We preheat the oven for 5 minutes at 180º C in gratin mode.
  9. Add a pinch of parsley over the already stuffed mussels and, finally, sprinkle some breadcrumbs for the gratin. We take it to the oven at 180 ° C in the gratin position, until we see it golden. We take out and serve very hot.

I hope you like them and dare to prepare them, do not forget to accompany them with the same wine with which we have prepared the recipe or a very cool beer. Let’s see who resists this proposal …

You can see in this step by step how to prepare these mussels au gratin to Panadeira

Proposals with mussels that you should not miss

Do not stop consuming them because it is a cheap seafood and full of possibilities. Since they can be prepared in many ways: Mussels in rabid sauce Tigers or mussel croquettes , Mussels in vinaigrette Mussel pie , … and many more recipes that I will present to you on the blog.

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