- Easy
- 28 minutes
- For 10 people
- € 0.2 / person
- 285kcal per 100g.
How to make flat bread easy and without kneading.
After explaining how to make bread at home easily in a novice format , today we raised the level of our breads a little and cheered up with the ciabatta .
A bread similar to the one I published yesterday, bread without kneading (much easier), but that seemed impossible until we were taught to do it and, you know, nothing like seeing someone else prepare something to understand that things are not so bad .
This recipe for bread ciabatta not need kneading. The truth is that the dough is so sticky and has such a high percentage of hydration that kneading it is impossible. That is why we use a folding system that is much more comfortable and simple than ordinary kneading.
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Of course, it is important that you read the entire process and the final recommendations well and, of course, that you follow them. With this , success is guaranteed and you will have in your possession two rustic ciabatta, with a crunchy crust and a crumb full of alveoli, with great flavor .
It is bread that ferments cold, inside the fridge, for 24 hours. So you have to organize a little. If we want to have it ready for lunch on Sunday, to give an example, we would have to prepare the dough on Saturday morning. On Sunday morning we would have to finish the dough and bake.
Perfect to slice and accompany all kinds of dishes, to eat with butter and jam or with tomato and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. It lasts a couple of days in good condition, wrapped in a cotton cloth. After this time, it can be sliced and frozen to consume when needed or desired.
What do you think? Do you cheer up with this flat bread without kneading? We warn that it is yummy and, we really tell you, that we fall short. You know, if you get into trouble, share your ciabatta on social networks.

Preparation of the ciabatta bread dough
- Before starting with this bread it is important to make sure that we have very cold water available. Surely this is not a problem if we usually have water in the fridge or ice in the freezer, but if it is not the case remember to put a bottle of water in the fridge a few hours before starting.
- We also need a large container with a lid, because we are going to put the dough in it and keep it in the fridge. We don’t want strange odors or flavors to enter, so the lid is a must.
- Weigh all the ingredients before starting and prepare the container so that, once we start, we do not have to stop for any reason.
- In a deep and wide container we place the flour and salt. Mix well so that the salt is distributed throughout the flour.
- In another container we mix the water and the yeast. We remove and work with the fingers so that it is diluted well until homogenized.
- We create a hole in the center of the flour and salt mixture and pour the previous mixture inside.
- With the help of a spoon or your hands, clean, we remove and integrate the flour little by little.
- The dough we get is very sticky and hydrated. It cannot be kneaded because it sticks to the hands.

Rest and folding of the ciabatta bread dough
- We transfer the dough to the container that we have prepared, cover and store in the fridge for 24 hours.
- During this time the dough ferments in cold, that is why it needs so many hours, and grows to triple its volume or even more.
- Therefore, it is best to start this bread in the morning and finish it the next morning, when we will have time to continue the process without haste and bake it for lunch.
- The next morning we remove the dough from the fridge and pour it into a tray well smeared with oil so that it does not stick. You can use the oil you want, but we like extra virgin olive oil because it gives the bread some flavor.
- We begin to fold the dough, which is the equivalent of kneading. We do it with wet hands, it is the only way that it does not stick to us. With this simple trick it is very easy to get it, so go ahead and without fear.
- We put our hands (as if they were shovels) under the top of the dough, the furthest from us. We lift slightly and draw it towards us, we drop it on half of the mass that we have not raised. With this we fold it in half.
- We rotate the tray 45º and repeat the operation three more times, turning the tray after each fold.
- We cover the dough with a clean and dry cloth and let it rest for 45 minutes. With this the dough relaxes and we can fold it again.
- We repeat the four folds following the previous indications (wet hands, placed as shovels, turning the tray 45º, etc.).
- Let the dough rest again under the cloth for another 45 minutes.
- Then we repeat the four folds following the previous instructions (wet hands, placed as shovels, turning the tray 45º, etc.) one last time and let the dough rest one last time, 45 minutes, covered with a cloth.

Baking and final presentation of the ciabatta
- At this time we turn on the oven at 250 ºC with heat up and down. We introduce a baking tray in the central position of the oven, in it we will deposit the formed ciabatta.
- Sprinkle the work surface with a generous amount of flour and transfer the dough onto it. We do it with care and wet hands.
- When depositing it on the table we try to give it a rectangular shape but without deforming it too much.
- Sprinkle the dough with more flour and cut in half, lengthwise. If we use a moistened doctor blade it will be much easier and we will avoid sticking the dough.
- We transfer the ciabatta to a tray covered with vegetable paper. We use this tray to slide the paper with the ciabatta into the tray that we have in the very hot oven.
- We place a container with water in the base of the oven and program 15 minutes.
- After this time, remove the container with the water and lower the oven temperature to 200º C. We program 30 minutes more until the ciabatta is cooked through.
- At the end of the time, we turn off the oven, remove the ciabatta and let cool before consuming.
You can see all the photos of the recipe in the step by step of the recipe for easy and unleavened ciabatta bread. If you have doubts, follow the photos and you will get a perfect bread.
Tips for a perfect flatbread without kneading
- Although we have already been giving advice on the go as we explain the recipe, it is worth remembering several things.
- The water with which we prepare the initial mass must be very cold.
- It is important to respect the rising times. So that they do not pass us, we can use the mobile timer that will notify us when necessary.
- The hands have these wet every time we manipulate the dough. Otherwise it will stick to us.
- The third and fourth folding cost a little more than the first two because we have already stretched the dough a couple of times before. This is normal, we fold equally and as far as we can.
- We can use a part of wholemeal flour, removing the corresponding part of white flour.
- The fresh yeast can be replaced by dry baker ‘s yeast. The amount to use is 1/3 of the indicated amount of fresh yeast.