Country salad with mushrooms
Salad and vegetable recipes

Country salad with mushrooms

Country salad with mushrooms


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.6 € / person
  • 285kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a free-range salad with mushrooms . I present you a  salad recipe with a potato base accompanied by an ingredient that is not usually added to the free-range salad, mushrooms.

And it is that although this dish is usually prepared in summer, I think it is timeless and at home we prepare it well into Autumn. We usually add ingredients that we like at home and that usually stick quite well, including some garlic mushrooms .

The base is the traditional free-range salad that you like so much. The garlic mushrooms match perfectly with other vegetables and in this salad we can use seasonal mushrooms or mushrooms, such as thistle mushrooms (which you have all year) and mushrooms. A platform can be prepared in a few minutes and in addition to being the most healthy and tasty.

You can add a touch of ham to the mushrooms, including a chilli to give the salad a spicy touch. If you liked this recipe and you love mushrooms, enjoy this original salad perfect to prepare at a meal with friends.

Easy, simple, cheap salad with a multitude of variations. I hope you like it.

Before starting. Potatoes and eggs

  1. We will start by cooking the potatoes, peel them and pour into a saucepan with the boiling water.
  2. Salt and let cook for about 20 minutes over medium-high heat. The time will depend on the type of potato and size.
  3. The best way to see if it is well cooked is to prick with a fork almost at the end of the cooking process, so we can increase or decrease the time depending on the type of potato you are going to use. We remove the potatoes and let them cool.
  4. We peel the peas, better that they are fresh, so our salad will have much more flavor and we also take advantage of the fact that we are in season.
  5. If you prepare this salad in winter you will be worth some quality preserved peas, although it will not be the same.
  6. We put a casserole with water and heat until steam comes out. We place the peas in the steam source and leave them 5-8 minutes (depending on the type of pea) at full power.
  7. If you do not have this type of utensil at home you can cook it in a normal way for 5 minutes, remove from the water and reserve.
  8. Meanwhile we are going to cook the eggs  in another fire. We cover them with cold water and cook 10-12 minutes from the boil.
  9. We should not cook them any longer since a dark greenish halo forms around the yolk that is unpleasant to the eye.
  10. Nor should we let the eggs rest in the water in which we have cooked them.
  11. We must immediately pour cold water so that they temper and do not continue cooking. With these indications you have to be perfect.
  12. We cut an onion, a red pepper, two large tomatoes and a green pepper into small cubes.

Final preparation of free-range salad with mushrooms

  1. We put all the ingredients in a large container, because that’s where we are going to mix our free-range salad.
  2. We add a good jet of extra virgin olive oil and mix to bring flavors together.
  3. Add the peas and the potatoes previously cut into large cubes.
  4. I like the salad with tuna from the north or with tuna belly.  But if you do not want it to be very expensive you have much cheaper tuna crumbs in olive oil.
  5. The northern tuna pot that I have used is 260 gr. drained, and I add it all because I love it.
  6. It is always better to crush it by hand so as not to find very large pieces. Add to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
  7. We are not going to throw away the oil that the canned tuna brings, we are going to use it together with a little more virgin olive oil to prepare our vinaigrette.
  8. I like the flavor it brings to the salad because it enhances the taste of bonito. I love finding the strong and contrasted flavor of the oil I use in my kitchen, but to your liking.

Preparation of mushrooms with garlic

  1. We are going to prepare some garlic mushrooms that will give a kick to this salad. The mushroom that you use will give a very characteristic flavor to the salad. You can use other varieties depending on the season, mushrooms, senderuelas, boletus, thistle mushroom, etc.
  2. To make them fit evenly when cutting them, we make a horizontal cut at the base and roll.
  3. In a frying pan, fry the mushrooms with a few drops of olive oil and when they lose part of their water, add some garlic slices or a crushed garlic clove (to give it the touch).
  4. As soon as the garlic is golden brown, add a pinch of salt, a small splash of white wine and a touch of cayenne.
  5. We let the alcohol evaporate, when we see that they start to run out of water we remove to a plate.

Preparation of the vinaigrette and final presentation of the country salad with mushrooms

  1. In a glass add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. We add the olive oil that we have previously mixed, the sherry vinegar and the teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
  2. Stir vigorously until everything is tied. If you do not dare with the raw egg yolk (it will give the vinaigrette a lot of creaminess), we add a cooked egg yolk.
  3. It has to be crumbled and we stir it gently until it is well mixed. We reserve.
  4. Once the vinaigrette is made, we must add it to the end of everything. Season to taste and with your hands we combine all the ingredients and the vinaigrette.
  5. Remember that the free-range salad must go to the fridge already seasoned and mixed. If we kept it without dressing, the ingredients would be parched.
  6. To serve we cut the hard-boiled eggs to taste, in quarters or in sheets. We put our salad in a bowl and decorate with the egg.

You can see all the photos of the step by step recipe of the free-range salad with seasonal mushrooms   in this album.

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