Cherry Gazpacho
Recipes Salad and vegetable Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Cherry Gazpacho

Cherry Gazpacho


  • Very easy
  • 20 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.2 € / person
  • 212kcal per 100g.

How to make a cherry gazpacho . The cold soups in summer are my downfall, I think I can feed myself of gazpacho , vichyssoise or gazpacho throughout the week.

The body asks you for fresh recipes such as pasta salads , rice salads or Russian salad . But there is not only a gazpacho, we can find them of many types, they are always the base ingredient, the tomato.

On the blog you have a lot of ideas to make different gazpachos, for example, the watermelon gazpacho . In this recipe we substitute the cucumber for watermelon and omit the step in which we must add water, since the watermelon itself will provide it on its own. The result will be a more refreshing gazpacho if possible.

You can also find the melon gazpacho , where we substitute the tomato in this case for the melon, and we accompany it with a little ham to get that perfect contrast of flavors. But if I have to keep one other than the traditional one, that is the cherry gazpacho , in this case with pillory. It will follow the usual recipe but with fewer ingredients and where we include this delicious fruit to give it an original touch, the result that is achieved I assure you that it is really exquisite.

I have not put a generous garnish to this gazpacho, I advise that if you present it as a first course, accompany it with a few slices of acorn ham, a little just to give it the contrast of sweet-salty. Even a little bit of fresh cheese with a touch of basil oil would go with pearls.

As you can see, there are many different varieties of gazpacho so that you can try throughout the summer and choose the one that you like the most. Imagination to the power.

Remove the pit from the cherries. Tricks and tips

  1. This gazpacho has a very simple elaboration. You just have to shred and that’s it, but I will explain it to you in detail so that you can do it at home and repeat it again, you will surely like it.
  2. We wash and pit the cherries. We reserve. You can see the following video where we explain in more detail ways to remove the stone from the cherries.

Preparation of cherry gazpacho

  1. We wash the tomatoes and the pepper that we are going to use. Keep in mind that it is a recipe that is not cooked, and despite acidifying it with vinegar it is very important that everything goes well clean.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and add them to a large bowl.
  3. In gazpachos I like to use apple cider vinegar because it is less acidic. But for this gazpacho I have used a sherry vinegar to give it an acid contrast with the sweet touch of the cherries. As I always tell you, mold the recipe to taste at home, they are only small recommendations.
  4. We cut the peeled onion and the red pepper (this will give flavor and more color to our gazpacho) in more or less small quarters. We reserve
  5. Peel the garlic and as we are going to use it raw, remove the center so that it does not repeat. We add it to the bowl with the tomato and the other vegetables.
  6. We put the tomato first, crush with the mixer or with a whisk glass until we have a liquid sauce.
  7. Then add the cherries and mix, finally the pepper, garlic and onion. Season and grind all the ingredients.
  8. When everything is well crushed, we add the extra virgin olive oil and the vinegar little by little, in a trickle, while we beat again. In this way, the gazpacho preparation is emulsified and the solid parts are not separated from the liquid ones.
  9. We pass this cold soup through a strainer or a Chinese to remove possible pieces of skin and small nuggets that have been left until we have the finest possible.
  10. We test if it is well of salt and if we do not rectify with a little more.

Final presentation of cherry gazpacho

  1. When everything is well beaten, optionally pour a little water to taste. Until leaving it with the desired consistency and thickness
  2. We can only put the bowl in the fridge and let it cool down. In a couple of hours you will have it very cool and perfect to try the best Andalusian gazpacho.
  3. At the time of presentation, it is best to put it in a deep plate or bowl with a string or a few drops of extra virgin olive oil.
  4. We can garnish or accompany it with a few pieces of cherries, a little bit of good ham or, as I mentioned before, mozzarella cheese with basil.
  5. For me, the best gazpacho is simply taken in a glass and that’s it, directly for the body. Bon Appetite.

The question of gazpachos I think the secret is that ingredient that gives it its name. Make it quality and stand out from the rest like in this cherry gazpacho .

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